MMA Tycoon Game

Ultimate Fighting Federation - 'Company closed' - List of past events

UFF 9 TBA 2012-11-17 New York
UFF 8 Shilt VS Andre 2012-11-11 New York
UFF 7 Rojas vs Ribeiro 2012-11-04 New York
UFF 6 Jurgensen vs Taber III 2012-10-28 New York
UFF 5 Four Loko vs McCork 2012-10-21 New York
UFF 4 Taber vs Jurgens II 2012-10-13 New York
UFF 3 Shilt vs Neuer 2012-10-07 New York
Ultimate Fight Night 2 2012-10-03 New York
UFF 2 Banner VS Griggs 2012-09-29 New York
Ultimate Fight Night 1 2012-09-26 New York

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