MMA Tycoon Game

Flair 1

Org name: Flair Promotions
Fighters signed: 16
Number of events: 118
Base: Las Vegas
Owner: Wilkson Booth
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
Weight Name Last Win
205 Sebastian Burger Major Pain
265 Patrick Chaelsson Macho Camacho
265+ Fortune Thibodeaux Curtis Tate Iii

View title history


Well there is , the first event out of the way. Jax Thomas is jumping up in class to see about that super heavy weight belt on Flair 2.

We got some good action coming on the 15th. Also later this month there will be Kickboxing. The big news is the 205 division. On the 25th of this month there will be a title eliminator match with the winner getting a shot at the 205 pound championship belt.

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