Editorial by This year on Flipping through the Forums we bring to you the Yearly Award Nominations!
Each year, mmatycoon managers get together to literally voice their opinion on who they feel is the best of the best in every single category. Nominations for categories such as Best Manager & Best Writer all the way down to Best specific weight class fighter. If you are interested in checking out the nominations and where you can learn more please click on the following link and voice your opinion! http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showforum=31
The following is a little taste of what the award nominations look like and who is leading the race currently!
Best Manager of the Year
Currently the best manager of the year has several strong candidates. It will take a bit more flushing out till we see one clearly take the lead on this one. Here is a few names you can search: Alex K, Billy A cont...
Editorial by Attention New Managers!
Are you struggling to find victory with your fighters? Do you feel like it is all a game of chance and there really is no secret formula to win for your fighter? Do you often feel like you have no idea what you are doing? Each Tycoon Times paper that gets published we will have an article for you here on how to improve by focusing on just one major area. Several tips and tricks from managers that have reached success and what they have seen to be the most helpful for them. We hope this series will serve you well in your managing career!
This weeks tip: Find a Mentor
At first glance this may seem quite humbling. And honestly, it is! Just think of all the greats in your favorite sport, they all had mentors, someone to show them the ropes. If you want to have lasting success I would highly encourage you to find someone who will show you the ins and outs of this game.
Currently there are over 100 people wai cont... |