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Origin Episode 002 : 3 Hours Earlier.

Event Review: O-002:3 Hours Earlier
2012-11-15, Los Angeles, Hyashi's Lounge - Los Angeles
Attendance:1,871, Event Rating:120
Author:Zyd Zyd

"We have a problem Paul." ZyD said across the table. Paul looked up and knew right away what he was reffering too. "Yes I know, what will we do about it." replied Paul. "We have to gather everyone and leave. It's too dangerous here now. Let everyone know to meet us at the spot." said ZyD.

Paul gathered his paperwork and left the office. He knew he had to be fast, everyones lives were at risk now and they were the only ones who could do anything about it. He grabbed his radio and spoke into it. "Virt... I need you to get Franky and Ali and meet us at the airport. Tell Franky to bring the item."

Ring Ring. Franky Redz looked at who was phoning and picked up. "Is it time?" he asked. The voice on the other end replied "Yes. Gather the supplies and meet us at the hanger, be quick we don't have much time." Franky hung up and walked over to the closet. He pushed the clothing aside and started pressing numbers on a keypad, and as he finished the wall moved revealing a hidden room. He entered the room and grabbed a small box then exited quickly, shutting the wall behind him. After heading out of the apartment he hailed a cab and told the driver to take him to the airport.

ZyD had spent the last our shredding documents and wiping hard drives. He was finally finished. Paul entered. "It's done. Everyone is on the way." he said. "Ok tell Umberts to pull the car around and we will go. All the arangments have been made. We will leave in 2 hours." said ZyD. He and Paul took one last look at the big monitor before leaving the office for the last time. "To the airport Umberts." said Paul. "Yes. Right away sir boss." replied Umberts.

The car pulled up to the airport 2 hours later. ZyD and Paul got out and met Virtouz outside the hanger. "Where is Franky and Ali?" asked ZyD. "They are already on the plane. Everything is set. I've paid off the security and Dane has sent his pilot here. We can leave anytime." answered Virtouz. "Ok one last thing." Zyd walked towards the car Umberts and said "Thank you for the service all these years. But it is time for you to go." ZyD walked away leaving Umberts with a puzzled look on his face. After ZyD was halfway back to the plane he turned back towards Umberts and pulled out a small box. He pressed a button on it. BOOOOOOOOM. The car Umberts was in exploded in a fiery ball killing him instantly. ZyD turned back to the plane and continued walking. "Ok, now we can leave." said ZyD. They entered the plane and got ready for takeoff. This was it. They were finally going back.

To be continued...


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