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Q and A with Otso Jokinen

Fighter profile of Otso Jokinen by

  I walked into a seedy bar in the bad part of town to find Otso Jokien the perennial top 5 p4p fighter. I finally found him in the back part of the bar surrounded by people who could snap me in two…… with their pinky.

Me: Hi guys I am here to talk to Otso

Thug: Otso meidän pitäisi tappaa laiha valkoinenmies

Otso: Ei antanut hänen elää ajattelemaan kivun hänen täytyy tunteapäivittäin vain olemalla itse

Me: What are you guys saying?

Otso: Nothing we were……. Complementing you.

After that the interview started.

Q:  What got you into MMA?

A: Let's just say it runs in the family. We're all fighters.

Q: You have yet to have any submission victories any specific reason why?
A: Mainly 'cause the stooges seem to get knocked out before I get a chance to choke them out. But worry not, it's coming. I hear there's this lanky dude dropping down from 170 to fight me, maybe I'll break his arm or something.

Q: When you leave this sport what do you want to have in your legacy?

A: I'm the best Lightweight of all times. And I'm making my mark in the p4p rankings as well.

Q: Do you have any interest in pursuing any of the people that beat you?

A: Nobody has beaten me. There's been a few blind judges on my way to stardom, and one asshole referee who thought that I tapped, when I clearly did not. Look at the tape.

Q: Where do you rank MMA fans in the total scale of sports fans?

A: I wouldn't know. I don't follow any other sport, so I can't say anything about that. I know there's a following behind me and my brothers, and they're cool.

Q: What in your opinion is the greatest honor you have ever had bestowed upon you?

A: I once knocked out my big bro Ossi in sparring, I'm the only one to do that so far. He was out cold. And is probably going to beat my ass for letting this to the world. *laughs at first then turns on a serious face*

Q: You have brought the lighter weight classes into the spotlight how does that make you feel?

A: I'm just in this to fight. Be it in the spotlight or in the dark corner of a pub, I don't care. Just as long as there's some challenge to it. I don't like beating up bums.

Next thing I knew  we were mashing down Jagerbombers. I woke up the nest morning with a few details I would like to forget including the Otso’s b**** tattoo.

Special thanks to Opa Jokinen and look forward to a Q and A with Jeremy Tonal


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