Recently I had been called by my boss to tell me I had been granted the privilege of interviewing Jeremy Tonal the #1 P4P fighter on the planet. I was supposed to meet him in a classy restaurant. So I went all out combing my hair, and renting a tuxedo. I thought I was going to steal the show. Unfortunately as soon as I arrived I found out most of the people were in casual clothing, including Tonal. Needless to say I looked like a total ass. So, with some careful tiptoeing, I got to start the interview.
Me: Did you compete in any martial arts as a youth?
Tonal: I did train some wrestling in school but never competed at a high level, it just didn't interest me the way MMA does. Also why are you wearing a tux?
Me: Uuuh no reason anyway next question. What attracted you to the Golden Glory fight? Tonal: I'm always looking for big fights and it doesn't get much bigger than fighting Glory right now. He was also willing to come and fight in GAMMA which helped a lot.
Me: What is the toughest fight you have ever had?
Tonal: The fight with Mikhail Yudovich is definitely the toughest one I've ever had. He managed to get mount early in the fight and I had a very tough time getting up. He put quite the beating on me before I finally managed to get out of it. I tried to make a fight of it after that but I simply ran out of gas, that first round took too much out of me. It's the only time I've really been hurt in a fight. Did you think this was some super classy restaurant or something?
Me: …… Next question. What got you to where you are at today?
Tonal: A lot of hard work and a healthy dose of violence. When I was just starting out I thought I could just go in there and beat people up but while it did work reasonably well when I managed to hit people early enough I quickly found out the sport was a bit more complicated than that. Since then I have trained hard to develop a well rounded game and while it took many years I finally got there and that's why I am where I am today. Ok seriously just answer my question.
Me: No time for that… I'm on a deadline. Plans for the future?
Tonal: I plan to keep fighting the best out there and put a hurting on them.
Luckily for me I came up with the best question to throw him off
Me: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Tonal : 42
After that some young fans approached Tonal which gave me the perfect opportunity to escape with my dignity.
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