In an effort to promote MMA amongst the beginners, California Martial Arts Academy is offering free training. The benefits are low student-to-coach ratio, usually 1:1, depending on how many or few fighters are fighting that particular week, and top notch coaches--2 triple elite coaches, several doubles, etc. The equipment and gym conditions are top notch.
In order to qualify for training--please submit a "fighter profile" to Tycoon Times, addressing the reason as to why your particular fighter deserves to be chosen as the one who reaps the benefits of free, top-notch training. I will select the one fighter that appears to be the most deserving/promising/exciting/etc.
The fighter must be 170K+, below the age of 25 and come from a non-VIP manager. That is all, no strings-attached. The selected fighter will receive 1 month of free training. We're based out of L.A. In the event that the manager is struggling financially, the trabeling costs will be covered.
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