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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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We Won’t Stop

Survival of the Fittest, Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Marus Marciano

I thought I told you that we won’t stop!! After taking over the Madison Garden Arena in New York and having 19496 people in attendance, Survival of the Fittest, the fastest growing organization in MMA Tycoon, is not 9th in the world.

Special congratulations to the newly crowned 155lbs champion, Toshihiro Kai, who defended Jie Liu to become the 1st 155lbs champion in SOTF history. He will now defend this belt for the first time against Julio Silva, who has won all 4 fights inside the SOTF cage, at SOTF 25: Kingdom Come on January 26 at the Belle Centre in Montreal.

Survival of the Fittest owner also announced that their 1st stadium event will be held in Los Angeles in the LA Memorial Colossuseum.  I’d expect SOTF will bring out their big guns for this event and leave a footprint in the landscape of MMA tycoon that will never change.

It is only a matter of time!!


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