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Introducing: Heat Rising Clothing, LLC

Heat Rising Clothing, LLC, Nutrition Company, London
Company profile by

 Heat Rising Clothing is a brand new company that has just opened up shop in London, UK.  The company started because we saw a need for a top quality clothing provider in the London area, as well as to partner up with Steel Penn Fighting Temple.  We have introduced some new designs already and will be quickly expanding our product line to provide all fighters with a style that they can be proud to wear, knowing that they look just as good entering the cage as they do fighting in it.  Our short term goal is to become the number 1 clothing company in London, long term of course is to be number 1 in the world.

We'll also listen to our customers.  If a fighter is looking for a particular look they can't quite find anywhere else we'll be happy to accomodate them by creating a design to fit their needs.  This holds especially true for fighters that we sponsor.  We're also looking to sponsor some of the top fighters in London, so if you are in need of a sponsor you can send a message to User ID 82764.


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