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Commanding Entrance By Bukh Baatar

Fighter profile of Buhk Baatar by Roland Lawrence

The QFC tournaments have a way of bringing to light bright and promising young fighters. QFC Tourney 122 is a definite example of this with the debut of 20 year old clinch fighter, Bukh Baatar, from Mongolia.

Four fights, four bloody TKOs, and Bukh seemed to gain confidence and control with each match. All four fights were clearly marked by Mr. Baatar’s dominance of the clinch, and brutal elbow attacks. The commentators were beginning to criticize him for his taste for blood, and lack of tactical variance, to which Bukh replied, “I’m sure those four guys in the Emergency Room would have liked me to try something different also. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

After his victory, LA Combat club was quick to extend him an offer. His first fight with the club is with perennial loser, Badr Hadi (0-6), and premiers on Friday. When asked if he was offended to be facing a bottom-of-the-barrel fighter in his club debut, Bukh responded with class, “Hey, I have zero fights with clubs outside of the QFC. If I have to work my way up from the bottom, so be it.”


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