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New Org: Wolf Palace RIO (195K+)

Wolf Palace London (195K+), Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Rory Daly

 Wolf Palace RIO (195k+)

Hello World of MMA tycoon! The newest Fight Organization in Rio de Janeiro is now open and eager to get underway, with champions yet to be crowned and big goals and plans ahead. The organization is the second Wolf Palace to open after the growing success of the Wolf Palace in Montreal. WPR is perfect for up and coming fighters to prove themselves in this competitive world and will be a very active organization; that I promise!

The rules are:

-3x5min rounds for normal fights.

-5x5min rounds for title fights.

-$1500 bonuses (KO of the night, Sub of the night, Fight of the Night), this will increase as time goes on.

-All fights are fought in a cage.

I will also be holding tournaments in the not-so-far future to determine champions; but that will be after a few events. The first event will be booked in very soon, after Wolf Palace RIO has the required amount of fighters in order to make a successful first event. The numbers will rise quickly as many contract requests have been sent out already!

I hope to hear from you all soon and will do what it takes for this org to be a great one.

Cheers everyone!

Rory Daly.          

Org Link: http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgpublic.php?oid=3644


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