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An Interview With Joe Boxer

Fighter profile of Joe Boxer by

Hello, I was lucky enough to catch up with Joe Boxer this past week and I got a great interview with him...

Thanks for joining us today Joe, how are you feeling?
Great! At the top of my game right now!

You’re coming off a huge win in your last bout, a TKO over Leroy Brow, how good did that feel?
Really good! Leroy is an old vet like me and has a lot of experience, quite frankly those are the fights that test you, you have to be aware of the fact that this guy can throw anything at you.

Well let me admit that amongst others, I thought that coming off 5 straight defeats you were one loss away from hanging them up, but you came back strong and won 5 straight, how did you do it?
Yeah, I was close to calling it a career! But I knew going up to 185 was gonna be a challenge, but being in the gym with my buddies is such a part of my life that after each loss I just went back , hit the gym hard, knowing that the wins in this division will come soon I just had to be mentally and physically fit for it!

Did you do any martial arts growing up?
Nope, I started boxing at 12 yrs old, my Dad used to Box and he showed me a few moves and we went to a gym in town, and I really liked it, so it started there and the whole MMA thing was just getting started around that time too, so it all kinda just fell into place.

How good is your training camp?
It's awesome! The guys I train with at Hells Balls "Hellcademy" in NY are all highly ranked fighters in their own Org's so I have a bunch of guys in different weight classes and skill sets that really help me work out my weaknesses and that is a huge confidence builder!

Who's next for you? You don't currently have any one scheduled for your next fight, any hints for the fans?
Well Archer Christian is the top man in this division, and the fact that they offered me some of the biggest money of my career to move up here, tells me that I think there will be a title shot fairly soon, but me personally? I will fight anybody they put in the ring with me, I love this sport, and you know as well as I do, anytime you step in the Octagon, anything can happen!

Thanks for joining us, any last words?
Yeah, It's really great to be here at UPG, this is a top shelf Org, I have been treated like Royalty right from the start and I am really excited for the opportunity to show all the fans here what I can do.

Thanks Caleb!


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