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Interview with CFC Pres. Jimmy Hopkins

Editorial by "Old Irish" Mickey Rafferty

President of 'Conflict Fighting Championship' , Jimmy Hopkins takes a moment of his time for an interview with 'Tycoon Times'

Interviewer: Hello Jimmy, and thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedule for an interview with us!

Jimmy: Not a problem at all, happy to be here.

Interviewer: So you have come a long way in the fight business. Started with 'KaotiX Fight Gear' in Los Angeles, while working part time as a matchmaker and designer for 'Syracuse Fighting Championship' over in New York. Now you have decided to move to Vegas and start your own organization, 'Conflict Fighting Championship'. You seemed comfortable, so why the sudden change?

Jimmy: Looks aren't everything. The clothing business is not for me, man. I could not stand running KaotiX, I jumped into that trying to support fighters, but the business was screwing me left and right...and it didn't even buy me one drink (haha). Nah, i'm just messing with you, but while I was over there working at 'SFC' I loved every minute of it. I worked with some great guys. I loved it, let me tell you something else I love. Vegas... I asbolutely f$%king love Las Vegas. When I was going out there to manage a couple of my fighters , every single time I had the time of my life. So basically I decided to focus on what mattered in my life. I closed my clothing company, left 'SFC' on good terms, I packed up my sh#t and moved to Las Vegas to venture further into what I love, the fight business. This time I am knee deep, and going to take this organization to the top.

Interviewer: (Haha) Interesting stuff there. So everybody is curious as to what are your plans for the 'CFC' and the Las Vegas MMA scene. Do you have any plans?

Jimmy: Everybody is just going to have to wait, and see what my plans are. All I can say is any fighters 200k+ ID that are looking for a good home, no matter where they come from. They can come to Vegas and  'Conflict Fighting Championship' and myself will do what we can to accomodate them. As we grow, the more will their funds. I know what it's like to be a struggling fighter, and I will do what I can to help support them and their families.

Interviewer: We look forward to watching the 'CFC' grow. Speaking on struggling fighters, we know that you manage your son Robbie. How is that as a manager and a father?

Jimmy: It is one of the most difficult things in the world. The damn kid is hard headed, and i've about had enough. Right now he is signed with some organization back in L.A. who has him scheduled for a death sentence in a couple days. One of the most lopsided matchups I have ever seen in my life. I told him not to accept it, but he is so hard headed that he refused to decline a fight. He would rather get his ass beat, before he declines a fight. I have had enough, and i'm about to cut him, I can't see my own son get brain damage on my watch.

Interviewer: That sounds like a very tough situation, sorry to hear that. TRT and PED use is becoming a huge factor in MMA, what is your take on TRT and PED's?

Jimmy: It's bullsh#t! I think if you aren't man enough without some PED or fake testosterone to fight, you don't belong in a cage. Not in mine anyway. There are plenty of legal supplements out there. I currently have most of my fighters using Alpha-Male Nutrition, based out of New York. Honest product from an honest company.

Interviewer:  Honesty is best! Thank you, Jimmy Hopkins. We are about out of time, but everyone is dying to know when will your first event be held?

Jimmy: Our first event will be at the Micro Arena in Las Vegas, on Saturday, March 30th. Doors open at six. Thank you guys for having me, we hope to see you there!




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