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Getting to know HMMA LHW champion Fedor Alexandrov

Fighter profile of Boredom Eternal by

Hello everyone im Faisal Sharaheeli HMMA’s interviewer extraordinaire, I struck gold today because the man I have in the studio is none other then Light Heavyweight champion Fedor "Sambist" Alexandrov.  Also known as the most popular LHW fighter in all of MMA.   Fedor thank you for joining us.

Fedor:  Of course Fas this should be fun.

Fas:  So Fedor I have heard a little rumor floating around and man I don’t even know if I can say it its pretty crazy.

Fedor:  Say no more Fas, its true I EAT BEARS ALIVE!!!

Fas:  So its true then! That’s nuts hey be careful man im not sure WIls will want the champ doing to many dangerous activities.

Fedor:  HAHA.

Fas:  Fedor you have a very decorated background as a Sambo fighter and other credentials, what exactly is your history there.

Fedor.  I am a 3 time world champion in the sport of sambo, I am also a European champion in BJJ I won the ADCC Europe and Fila grappling championships winner.  I also trained with the Olympic wrestling team for 3 years. 

Fas.  Holy shit 3 world championships in sambo that’s awesome personally I think sambo is the best basis to start an MMA career on.  How did you get started in MMA?

Fedor:  Well after I won the sambo and grappling competitions I figured I would go out and earn some cash for my family, so I trained some defense  against some strikers, and while I had trained sambo I had sparred with wrestlers, and kickboxers, and even some MMA fighters, I was beating everyone so I became really confident that I can do something in this new field.

Fas:  Well Fedor im going to be honest the hard work has paid off you are a beast and you have had a highly successful MMA career so far. 

I am not sure you even know this but you are regarded as the most popular LHW fighter in the fight game, how do you want the fans to see you when its all said and done?

Fedor:  That’s pretty cool im honored that the fans like me so much, I wan the fans to see me as what I am, a good guy, a very hard and determined good guy I like Vivaldi and Bach. 

Fas:  Ok ok, on the 16th of March you have a fight with Kapitan Tutan, it’s a super fight that a lot of people are really looking forward too.  Your original opponent went to do some things and that’s when the super fight came about.  So how is the training going for this fight?

Fedor:  Training has went as usual, hard. We’ve got some ideas for this fight.

Fas: I like it! Teasing the fans and me making us wait until fight time to see what you have in store.

Ok Fedor now comes my favorite time I want to know whats next after this fight?  Is their anyone in particular you want to fight?

Fedor:  I want to destroy everything, and after some preparation, I want to go to HW and break legs of Toast and if it's possible we want to have a rematch with guys like Mr. Phil Davis (from the past). but he is in different org. I promise that Iwill try to break his neck. while he is in KO.

Fas:  FEDOR! I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy training schedule to come talk to me and do this for the people.  Before we go is there anything else you wanted to say?

Fedor:  Love each other

Fas:   And that’s it have a great night Fedor, and fans of HMMA goodbye and thank you for your time.



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