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Heroic Warriors

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Heroic Warrior Championship is a recently created org based in London with an aim to be the peoples org by not only signing all types of fighters and match making faily but by listening to the managers. I have already learned that it is not the owner who makes it a success but it is the managers, the fighters and the owner all working as a team and keeping the wheels turning.

We have some exciting fights already scheduled and are eager to keep them coming, we are trying to keep it fun from watching the fighters grow to holding novel competitions. if you want to be part of this org and grow with us to make your fighter the best fighter in the peoples org then just visit us and sign up.

Marathon Man V 1.1 is coming up in march which is a tournament for 185lbs fighters at 100k+ fid fighting 5 rounds of 10 minutes, it will be a pure test of endurance and only the most hardy need apply, there is a prize of either $100,000, 3 Months vip or Extra slots for the first place and prizes for 2nd and 3rd too, you can find this event with the rules in the forum.

We come under the Heroic Warrior Alliance umbrella, also involved in this is Heroic Warrior Betting in London, Hashed Fight Attire in London for your clothing needs, The mosh pit gym in London, We finish fights gym in Tokyo and Full Contact Brawlers (org) in Tokyo, as an alliance we believe that everyone should enjoy the game to its full potential so if you come to the alliance then you can work as a team, work alone or just know that there is help if you need it.

So why not sign your fighters to our org, just ask Stu Baboon for a contract and become part of our alliance.


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