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Interview with Wrestling Bot Future EMMA Champ

Fighter profile of Wrestling Bot by Andrew Rock

1. Hey Bot, congratulations on a succesull EMMA debut. What made you decide to start fighting in montreal considering you train out of Hilo?

I needed a new srart and my manger said to go to hilo to clear my head and hed help get me a few come back fights so now im off to montreal what can i say a found a home and its time to give it my all.

2. This is also marks your first fight as a welterweight, are you looking to reinvent yourself at this weight class?

I feel great not cutting weight and what better way to make a come back then by moving weight classes and going for a belt there. I fell stronger and in better shape fighting here, so keep a eye on me.

3. Lets talk about your win for a second, Velimir had serious hype around him and it looked pretty much for the entire fight that he was going to live up to the hype, what allowed you to score the insane come from behind victory?

Man that was a tough fight and i knew i lost the first round nit sure about that second round so when i went into my corner they told me i had to finish and that its what i needed, This is my life i have nothing and no nothing but fighting. so i gave that sweep everythiong i had and when i got on top i knew it was time to let go.

3. Is this the first time in your carreer that you had to dig deep, come back from being 2 rounds down and finish the fght?

This is the first time iv beenĀ  down two rounds to none, i know when i fought in sydney i came back from one round this is the first time it was two and wow it was a lucky lucky finish i hope i never have to do it again but if i do we all know i can.

4. You are currently booked for a title fight against Bobby Digital even though having fought just once in the division. What do you think helped in you getting the fight?

i feeled honored and sometimes i ketch my self thinking it was a dream but its not. I think i got the shot becaouse i beat such a good fighter in come back and you lnow i showed heart i never slowed and never let the thought of losing show.

5. What do you make of the current situation with former/current champ Sonny Boom?

He has yet to lose a title fight and it's unclear why he was stripped. Its odd but if the brass think thats what was best then its whats best He is a great fighter and i look forwad to getting a chance to beat him in a title fight but first i have to win and he has to finish this issue with EMMA

6. How do you plan to prepare for Digital and how do you see yourself winning that fight?

Im going to go in and train with all my might iv never been so motivated before. Hes a great fighter and a great champ but im not going to let him beat me, its my belt and hes just wariming it for me so when it comes home to me people will rember ditgial the guy who lost to the best.


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