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Giants of K1

Event Preview: Dynasty 136: Giants of K1
Dynasty K-1:Tokyo
2013-03-31, Tokyo, Shinjuku Indoor Arena

A BIG, REALLY BIG night of K1 fightinh scheduled for March 31 at Tokyo's Shinjuku Indoor Arena. We will be sending out the month of March will a night of HW & Super-HW fights including both Title belts being up for grabs.


Here's the slate:

Super-HW Championship: R. Sankari 22-5 21 KO vs. L/ Von Matterhorn 23-10-1 19 KO

In a fight that is sure to include some of the nastiest KO power in the sport, will the 25-yr old champ be able to continue his string of brutal KO's against battle-hardened, 34-yr old Von Matterhorn?

HW Championship: H. Hutton 22-12-2 19 KO vs. D. Alexio 19-6-1 17 KO

Two of Kickboxing's old guard war horses battle for supremacy in the HW division. Despite comtemplating retirement, High Rise Hutton keeps winning big fights with his elite high kicks. However, returning to K1 with a purpose, D. Alexio brings his violent mix of MT fighting into this battle. Alexio only has one thing on his mind, Championship Victory ... BUT he better keep an eye out for Hutton's head kicks or he will be spending some time looking up from the canvas.

More Exciting fights to reshuffle Top Contender status in the Top weight divisions:

Super-HW : H. Georgowich 20-10 16 KO vs. D. Bornstein 24-18 20 KO

Veterans KO specialists battle for Top 10 status? Debut for the action fighter Bornstein (36 of his 42 bouts have ended in a KO stoppage)

Super-HW: Tak Sin Thanarat 12-8-1 11 KO vs. B. Lumberg 8-4 8 KO

Superfoot Lumberg makes a big jump up in status as he battles the former Super-HW champ. Can the 23-yr old kid top the #5 Super-HW and stake his claim to a future tile shot?

HW:  G. Niccoli 7-4  4KO vs. Love Bug 4-1 3 KO

This is a battle b/t 2 Top 10 contenders with Elite MT skills. Will it be the tactician, Nicoli (Ranked #8) or the rising star Bug (#4 rated) who leap frogs to the top of the rankings after this showdown of 20-something MT fighters?

HW: V. Hugo 3-1 3 KO vs. K. Kano 8-3- 4 KO

Both fighters only stand 1-2 victories away from a shot at the title belt. With 2 guys that are big and exceptionally versed in the art of stand-up figting, there are sure to be fireworks.

SuperHW: S.M. Flash 9-7 9 KO vs. J. Cullen 9-3 5 KO

SuperHW: Jack Tyson 1-1 1 KO vs. J. Martinez 1-2- 1 KO

HW: Mr Planet 4-3  4 KO vs. Q. Marshall 12-7 10 KO

3 straight KO wins for Mr Planet are on the line versus the veteran tough guy Marshall, making his Dynasty K1 debut

Super HW: L. Choate 1-3 1 KO vs. Rex Tyrannosaurus  3-1  3 KO

Youngsters fight for their futures




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