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Making Up For Lost Time

Fighter profile of Kimo Laweni by James Raven

Kimo Laweni got a late start in MMA, turning pro at the age of 21 and making the move to full time training years after most of his peers. However, two fights into his burgeoning career the Hawaiian troublemaker has two spectacular knockouts and the attention of fans and professionals around the world. 


It's taken just 1:08 of ringtime for Kimo two pick up his first two wins, the first coming courtesy of a skull crushing left hook, and the second from a brutal elbow on the ground that opened a cut and left Sam Lavens out cold on the canvas. Both fights scored 100% Ratings on the QFC circuit and were enough to earn him a contract with L.A. Combat, soon revamping to a 210k+ model. Looking to continue his climb up the Middleweight rankings, this wrestler with obvious knock out power is back in the gym and preparing for his debut with his new employer. He is currently seeking sponsorship; feel free to contact his manager with offers. 


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