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Inside The UPF: Hugo Llorente w/ Carlos Jos Ricci

Fighter profile of Hugo Llorente by Dale Saw

 Hello and welcome to another episode of Inside The UPF. I am your host Fred Meyer. Today on the show we have the UPF's youngest and undefeated champion. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the UPF's reigning, defending, undisputed light-heavyweight champion of the world Hugo Llorente.

  Freddy: Welcome to the show Mr. Llorente. Or should I just call you champ?

Hugo: Champ sounds good to me, that's what I am and what I will be for a long time to come!

  Freddy: Haha. Ok champ. So tell me a little about your past. What age did you start training to fight? What made you decide to get into fighting in the first place?

  Hugo: I have only been training for a couple of years now and I am already a champion! I guess it just comes naturally to me. I started training because I used to live in a rough area and got beat up a couple of times by muggers and s*** but now that I am a champion I have moved outta there and got myself a big house and nice cars and kick peoples asses for a living.

  Freddy: Haha. Boy isn't that the truth. Haha. Your exploits in the octagon are famous world wide. How about telling your fans a little about yourself OUTSIDE of MMA. Tell us about your human side, instead of the machine we have come to know in the cage.

  Hugo: Well, I have moved from Portugal over to Hilo. And, to be honest, my life here is a lot better than it was in Portugal. I was in a bad area with s*** all to do and lots of crime. Now that I am in Hilo; I surf, train, go out and get the bitches... what could be better!? I am a nice guy unless I am facing you in the cage. Carlos will soon find that out! 

  Freddy: It's funny that you mentioned Carlos. Because today we have a special treat in store for our audience. We actually have Carlos in the studio today. Ladies and gentlemen let's hear it for Carlos Jos Ricci.

  (Carlos Jos Ricci enters the stage and has a seat next to Hugo.)

  Freddy: Welcome Carlos to our show. As you know we have light-heavyweight champ Hugo with us and he was getting ready to tell us what he thinks about your guys upcoming fight.

  Carlos: Thanks for having me Freddy. And, I look forward to hearing what our dedicated champ has to say.

  Freddy: So guys tell me. How are the both of you training for this fight? Champ you first.

  Hugo: Well hello there Carlos. What a pleasant surprise. Always nice to see the face I will be beating in before it happens! Anyway, Freddy to answwer your question, I have been training BJJ and perhaps some wrestling as well. Not the most exciting styles of fighting, no offence Carlos, but it has to be done I guess.

  Carlos: No offense taken. I understand that a lot of people just do not understand the ground game. So, you are not alone champ. Anyway, as for my training, Ha pretty much the same. I am not worried about his stand up as he can't stop my takedowns.

  Freddy: Ok you both sound pretty confident. The only thing I'm sure of is that it is going to be a great fight. Now Carlos, two of your past opponents that beat you, have both been beaten by Hugo. Doesn't that make you a little nervous to face the champ?

  Carlos: Well that is true. Nervous?Me? Never! Gracie did beat me true. Then I lost to Willie because I had not gotten over my first loss to Gracie. (Hugo coughs "Pussy" and Carlos sends him a look that says "You'll pay for that") Hugo here did beat Gracie but I don't think he could do it again. It was a fluke. Come April 20th the only nervous one will be our champ. Shaking in his boots. 

  Freddy: Ok champ same question to you. Does the fact that you've beaten two fighters who both beat Carlos, Does that boost your confidence at all?

  Hugo: The only shake I will be doing is the Harlem shake, at the after party bro! Anyway, Freddie to answer your question yes it makes me a bit more confident that I have beaten Leak and Gracie. I have admitted that I do not like facing pussy grapplers because everyone wants to see a stand-up battle not 2 guys spooning on the floor, Unfortuanatley everyone has to do that against me because they don't want to be on the wrong end of one of my brutal high kicks!

  Freddy: Well is does sound like you're both ready to go to war on the 20th. But champ, I must admit that, personally, I enjoy a good ground match as much as a grapple or stand up battle. (chuckles) But unfortunately, we are almost out of time. Is there anything that either of you would like to say to each other or anyone else? Perhaps the fans?

  Carlos: Yes, first I would like to say; (turns to Hugo) Hugo, you are a great champion and thanks for accepting the fight against me and I wish you the best of luck.

  Hugo: See you in the cage. Come prepared. 

  Carlos: You can bet your ass I'll be prepared. You better be as well, your belt depends on it.

  Hugo: The belt will remain with me; it suits me. You're lucky to even be getting a title shot after your last failure to earn it. You have won two of your last four since then, I will send you back to the undercards where you belong.

  Carlos: The only thing that you'll be sending me, is your hospital bill. Which, I will happily pay considering I will be the champ. 

  Freddy: Ok you two lets save it for the cage. It's going to be fireworks, folks. I can not wait! I would like to thank both of you for being on the show today. Ladies and gentlemen your UPF light-heavyweight champion Hugo Llorente and his next opponent Carlos Jos Ricci. Next week on the show we will have UPF veteran Stefan Pruvhe. His first appearance dates all the back to UPF 4: Twenty. With nine fights inside the UPF octagoc. So make sure you don't forget to set your DVR and TiVo. Until next time, I'm Fred Meyer signing out.


  Fred Meyer: Dale Saw
Hugo Llorente: Rory Daly
Carlos Jos Ricci: David Swain


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