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A man in disguise.

Fighter profile of Heath Marcum by Steven Stepp

Heath Marcum formerly known as Alexander or something like that he says. He seems so eager to forget who he was or where he came from. Wrestler born with hammer fists who knows how to work the ground game top or bottom whether it be in side control or full guard defending himself against submissions who has the skill to transition himself to full mount with vicious ground and pound. Heath also an excellent boxer who has astonishing stand up skills with ko power.. What we've learned from his short and dramatic bio is this. "ask me if I give a Fuck?  Get in the cage mother fucker". Those are heaths famous words.. Another troubled fighter.. Alexandre, who felt the need to change is name and move to the land of the free to live out his dreams because of the neglect towards fighters in his native country.. Rumors tell it that he always wanted to be white and decided to hire Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon.


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