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The Last Jake.

Fighter profile of WIlliam Bob by Ceasar Tomson

I find myself sitting in a bar in a little casino in northern Idaho I’m waiting for the new heavyweight number one contender “The Last Jake” William Bob.

He walks in shaking hands with everyone as he makes his way over to the table. After he takes a few pictures everyone leaves him to his interview, very respectful.

They seem to love and Respect you here? Bob: Yea these are my people, this is actually where I got my start I worked as Security here and trained when I wasn’t here.

So a question on everyone’s mind! What’s with the last Jake?

Bob: Funny Story I had a problem with a man and he said that he was going to kill me and the I was the Last Jake that had to be taken care of, and other Security Officers thought it was funny and it stuck.

Ok from humble beginnings then you enter MMA you sign with Hypnotic FC, this is also your second chance at the title?

Bob: Yea it is, Hypnotic has been good to me I started out with two losses then came back and knocked my third opponent out in 44 seconds. With a dominant performance like that and the video all over YouTube and Twitter Hypnotic FC gave me a chance at the title. Now I fought Aidan Rose for my first fight and then I was fighting him again. In the first fight I scared Rose cause I cut him early on beat him from pillar to post in the first round. Then the coward relied on taking me down then run away and he got a win for that. Second fight same thing and they gave him the title. I was very angry after all this so I started punching everyone in the head and have won three in a row.

I see so you have admitted that you struggle with wrestling but the champion is a better wrestler and Ju-Jitsu fighter than you.

Bob: Yes I know what he’s going to do, he’s going to take me down and submit me, or I hit him on the chin and he goes to sleep. I have done nothing but work my angles, and worked on avoiding the take down. Bruce KillZone from Steel Penn alliance and Abel Willan have come into the Let’er Buck Gym and have been helping me.

SO Champ don’t let me put it on you! I Wish you luck and what an ending to a great story if you win this title.

Bob: It will be and a beginning to the next story of me being the longest reigning heavyweight champion in the world.

We finished the interview on that note and he wished me safe travels and had a few drinks with his friends. The Last Jake will make a great champion one day, and for me I hope it’s soon.   


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