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Inside The UPF: Jose Lopez

Fighter profile of Jose Lopez by Dale Saw

Hey everyone, it's Fred Meyer here with a brand new Inside The UPF. First I would like to apologize for today's show being delayed. Apparently, our guest today, Mr. Jose Lopez was celebrating his victory early. And, he is not an easy one to remove from the bar. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Mr. Jose Lopez.

Freddy: Hey there Mr. Lopez. You know, I thought that I was going to have to go to the bar to get this interview.

Jose: You know that works for me! Let's head on over.

Freddy: Haha. That was supposed to be a joke. We really can not bring the show to the bar. We would never get the show done. Haha

Jose: I get a lot of stuff done down at the bar.

Freddy: Haha. Maybe so, but I do not. Haha. So, Mr. Lopez do you go to the bar before every event? We tried to catch up with you before your last fight. But we caught wind that you were out drinking.

Jose: Yes I was. Normally I don't go to the bar before a fight, I just go to my girlfriends house. But, being over in LA kinda spoiled my routine.

Freddy: But, you do drink at your girlfriends house, no? You do hold the record for the UPF fighter to show up drunk the most to your fights here in Hilo.

Jose: Well, I don't know how that came about. All I do is take a drink or two... Or five.

Freddy: Haha. Does drinking help you relax for a fight? Or is there a different reason you drink for your fights?

Jose: You know I didn't come on this show to talk about drinking. I'm a fighter. Let's talk about fighting.

Freddy: As you wish. Haha. But the two kinda go hand and hand with you. Haha. Anyways, so where do you see yourself in the ranking after your big win over Mauricio "Pitbull" Calvancante?

Jose: That's a good question. And, uh, I think, maybe it does, a little bit.

Freddy: Well what about the rankings?

Jose: Well like my aunt Maria always said "you have to be who you are." and I am who I am.

[Jose pulls a small airplane sized bottle of scotch out of his pocket and starts pouring it into his glass of water]

Freddy: Now what have you got there? I thought you were going to stay sober for our interview.

Jose: Yeah, I am. I'm just getting a head start for when it is over.

Freddy: Haha. Ok just don't get too hammered quite yet. Tell me Jose, if you could choose who you fought on your next fight, who would it be?

Jose: My uncle Jorge. He's a real bastard. I've wanted to kick him in the head for years.

Freddy: Is he now? I meant which MMA fighter would you fight? Preferably out of the UPF.

Jose: Maybe Test Ninja because he's got a cool name. Lopez Vs Ninja, I like that.

Freddy: You do realize that he is a Bantamweight fighter and you are middleweight. That's an average of a 50 pound difference.

Jose: Then I should win easy.

Freddy: I get the feeling that the UPF would never go for that. Haha. Do you think you would stand a chance again the new middleweight champ Henkka Reem? Or the former champ Tony Brown?

Jose: Who? Brown is a mamas boy who won't fight unless his mommy is ringside. And Reems style is too easy to figure out.

Freddy: Now that's what I like to hear. Confidence. Did you see Reem winning that fight against Brown or did you think Brown would win?

Jose: Yeah, LA was nice. It was fun fighting there.

Freddy: So, no comment on that? Anyway, before we run out of time, why don't you tell us something about yourself that doesn't have to do with drinking or fighting.

Jose: Um... Um... Um... I just got married.

Freddy: Really? I did not know this. Earlier you mentioned a girlfriend, thats the same girl I presume? How was the wedding? Where did you honeymoon?

Jose: Well it is not actually the same girl. And I didn't go on a honeymoon because I was too busy drin- I mean training.

Freddy: Different girls? So you mean to tell me on national television, where your wife might be watching, that you have a wife and a girlfriend?

Jose: My wife isn't watching! We don't own a television set. And she is not allowed out of the house. And Debbie knows that I just got married.

Freddy: Oh, I think that is almost all the time we've got for today's show. We managed to not really talk about MMA at all on today's MMA show. Haha. Real quick, anything you would like to say before our time is up? Anything at all?

Jose:[thinks for a minute, slams his drink] Roses are red, violets are blue, watch out Henkka, Jose is coming for you.

Freddy: Oh your a poet and I didn't know it. Haha. Ladies and gentlemen your rhyming alcoholic middleweight fighter Mr. Jose Lopez. Next week on the show I will be sitting down with none other than your newest champion Henkka Reem. He will tell us why he was able to have success when so many others had failed before him. Make sure to tune in. Until next time, I'm Fred Meyer signing off.


Fred Meyer: Dale Saw

Jose Lopez: Michael Sanders


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