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Preview on EFFA 17 - Hard to Break

Event Preview: EFFA 17 - Hard to Break
2013-06-09, Amsterdam, The Underground - Amsterdam




Almeida - Moore   205lbs

Almeida being the more wellrounded KT fighter might have the edge here. But he can't underestimate his opponent Moore who is an excellent striker. Who has the best defence? That can be the key here..

Kelly - Chan   170lbs

Kelly is a talented fighter but have had some struggles in his career so far. Lets see if he can pick it up here against Chan who is a good MT fighter. Both fighters coming into this from a previous loss.

Edwards - Pelle  265lbs

MT - Boxer. You guys know I love these matchups. This can be explosive! Pelle lost his EFFA debute to a head kick, hopefully he have learnt how to defend those. Edwards is an EFFA veteran and have never won on KO but is a brave fighter.

Huruiama - Vargas   155lbs

Striker Huruiama needs a victory after loosing his EFFA debut. Vargas took this fight on very short notice and is making debut pretty much unprepared. This can only end one way...or is it?

Anderson - Anderson   265lbs

MT - Boxer setup again. Neo is an excellent MT fighter but has lost to strikers before. Hellraiser is one hell of a striker and has only lost to another striker. Can Neo pick his MT game up and who has the best defence work?


Tor - Ivanich   155lbs

Tor is a striker with a pretty good MT to match. Ivanich is all about his MT skills. While Tor might have a skill advantage, Ivanich has the experience to match that. Interesting fight in a wideopen division.

Heuer - Artur   170lbs

MT - Brawler here. Heuer has two straight wins after his debut loss. Artur is a tough unortodox fighter who is a good test for anyone in the division.

Splahrn - Dzagoev   155lbs

Two boxers fighting it out here. Splahrn wants to bounce back after losing the titlefight against Taggart. Dzagoev wants that title himself and is keen to maintain his fine record. This can be fireworks guys!


Bailey - Julian   265lbs

Two very good KT fighters right under the absolut top contenders, not much separating them. Julian has a few extra pounds to put in while Bailey has the experience edge.


Taggart - Brock   155lbs TITLEFIGHT

Taggart making his first title defence here facing the very experienced Brock that despite having lost more fights the he has won is a highly respected opponent. 

Good luck everyone! Thank you all for making EFFA great!


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