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Breaking news from Helsinki ...

Editorial by Paul Dengel

MKFC contracted heavyweight Alexy Rykov (16-5) called a press conference from his Helsinki training camp this afternoon. A small crowd gathered at the Strikefirst Gym to meet with the veteran fighter just 4 days out from his bout with Mario Betoli (36-12). Once everyone had taken a seat, Rykov, glistening with sweat and surrounded by training partners from Team xXx took the center of the ring and grabbed a microphone.

“Hey guys, thanks for coming.” He began to the perplexed looks from all in the room. “I just wanted to tell everyone now that this Friday’s fight on the McBraddish vs Koltun PPV will be my last appearance for the MKFC.”

After some murmuring and some attempts to interrupt, Rykov raised his own hand and continued, “Let me explain guys, calm down. Look at my record there, I have beaten everyone they have put in front of me, losing to Nikkari when he was streaking for the title and then my three attempts at Paco. I can say that I have fought the best in St Petersburg and only been defeated by champions, how many fighters can say that.”

He looked around the room and smiled. “Guy’s I am not retiring, I still have a ton more fight in me. I am definitely not done knocking guys out as you will see when I put Betoli on his ass on Friday. I heard some rumblings at the beginning of camp that this Italian dude would pretzel my ass, that he is the best submission heavyweight in the world, yada yada yada. I got these (he raised his fists) and all of my victories in the MKFC have come from these (shakes his fists). Betoli is going down.”

A puzzled reporter raised his hand and interrupted, “Where are you going Alexy??”

“I was getting to that. My nemesis Paco thinks he is so badass that he is coming here to Helsinki to take on the CEC (Claymore Elite Combat) champion in some quest to become some ACME Ultimate champion. I will stay here, in Helsinki and fight for Gus Malcom and the CEC and maybe get another shot at him down the line. Look, look, the door is always open in the MKFC, Paul Dengel has made that clear but now it’s time to spend more time with my team here in Finland and I hope everyone is cool with that.”

He continued, “Let’s save any other questions for the victory party on Friday. I promise to hop the on first flight back and we will have a blast – everyone is invited. I plan to go out with a bang so Betoli better strap in cause he is in for a rough ride.”

With that his Team xXx members formed a wall and Rykov departed to the locker room with a wave …


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