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Interview with the Former UPF-Hilo Champ

Fighter profile of Tony Brown by

Interview with the Former UPF-Hilo Champ

[Q] How have you been after losing the title to Reem ?

[Tony]: Well, I was a bit depressed after the loss, especially since he managed to sneak an triangle on me.
But Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it's the courage to continue that counts. And thats what I have been

[Q] You ran trough Lopez quite easily and finished him at the second round. What kind of a match was that?

[Tony]: I wasn't at my best at the beginning and the first round was a like getting on a bike right after you have fallen
down. When the second round started, I was determined to end it quickly and so I did.

[Q]: Do you have any upcoming matches ? Or are you waiting to for a titleshot ?

[Tony]: I had a few offers that I accepted, but I guess some people just don't want to face me. I have a pending
offer right now against Jeremy Vega, whom should accept it already.

[Q]: How do you think the match is going to go ?

[Tony]: If he just would accept the fight first. But if he does, I'll making him tap that mat.

[Q]: How about your training, what have you been up to ?

[Tony]: I worked on my takedowns and clinchgame, now they're at pretty good level. Now, I would just like to fight and I'm
changing my training to fit the opponent at hand. After my next match, I'll probably start working on my standup-defense a bit more,
since I find it to be my weak spot.

[Q]: Any last words ? Ideas? Thoughts ?

[Tony]: I don't care who I face next and I'll make onesided bet. If I lose to my next opponent, I'll pay him 10k$.
He has definitely deserved it, if he wins me. And I have a plenty of cash anyway, hahah.


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