Charles "Crunchy" Cereal (18) is a young fighter from Hamburg, who has just recently started his career down under. But even though he has been a Boxer since the age of the 14, he learned that the sport of MMA can be rough for a rookie.
His first fight was against Ivan Drago (25). Despite the huge age difference, the bout went alright until he was declared TKO in what his manager believes to have been an early stoppage. Cereal went on to win his second fight in a dominating unanimous decision, but has since lost his against Mayko "Fininho" Casimiro (23) in a 22 second submission.
The recent loss has made clear that Cereal needs to focus on his groundgame - badly. But there is one problem: money. Good training is very expensive. But fortunately his manager, Mike Muffin, has substantial financial aid by the BOOM fund for new managers.
With that kind of funding, we will sure hear about the "Crunchy" in the future. When asked about this opportunity, Mr.. Muffin said: "This was much needed help. I want to thank Ezekel Rage for initiating BOOM. But as I have more than one fighter I need to give the money to and additional help for Charles is still appreciated. Ohh, and he doesn't have a sponsor yet..."
MMA fans around the globe can only hope that more initiatives like BOOM will emerge and help continue expanding the sport of Mixed Marshal Arts.
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