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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Kings of the Bronx

Editorial by Toby Butler

 Greetings MMA fans!  

  Bob Buckler here, to tell you about New York's newest fight organization the "Kings of the Bronx".     We're taking anyone off the streets who thinks they have what it takes to be the King.  I don't care if you're homeless, jobless, shirtless, or just plain crazy.  I'm gonna give you 500 bucks to get in the ring, no questions asked.  Why 500 bucks?  Because that's all you're worth, until you prove otherwise.  I don't care how many bums you've beaten, or been beaten by, if you want more than 500 bucks you're gonna have to earn it.  When you got rent that's due, you come lookin' for old Bob Buckler, and I'll slap that money in your hand whether you come out with bloody knuckles or a mouth full of bloody chiclets.  Doesn't matter to me which, as long as the fans are happy.    The King's of the Bronx.  When the landlord comes knockin', you better come knockin' on my door.  


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