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RISE Edition #1. Laying the foundations.

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One plan, one goal, an inversion of 1.2 million and more important time management. In just a few months in the game I have been watching and studying lots of organizations, and one thing is clear for me, how much time you spend preparing your projects matters. Most of the orgs that fail, they do because their managers rush to start the org without any time to think about what kind of project them want to create.  What kind of fighters they want to hire, ID restriction or not? What city? What divisions? NO, they just open the org with 50k and they send contract without uploading a logo or any other extra that in my opinion are really important.

That’s why when I decide to start RISE, I wanted to do it the right way. Step by step. The more prepare I am before I start the org the better the foundations, which means the more improvement my org will have. Before I start RISE I spend almost 2 month reading all the info I will need. I asked for advices and talk with people. I did my best to get to know people in the game, especially KEY people in the game, people that are kind of famous managers with serious companies. I had weekly contact with 3 managers that have top 10 organizations. Tried to join the chat and be active in forums. If people know your name they might want to send their fighters with you.
I knew that money would be important to give it a good go, so I start making posters like a lunatic to get as much money as I could. I got to save a total of 1.2 million which I invested. I have plans to continue doing posters so RISE has more and more money and hopefully that would help during the travel.

Just weeks before start RISE I decided that I was going to have every logo ready. One of the things that could make you get more or less fighters accepting your contracts is how good your org looks. Get a serious professional look will make the manager think that your org it’s almost real. They will want to be part of that. That’s why the day I started RISE, all logos and text were ready to be uploaded. After that send contracts to everyone and promote the org on the chat, forums and sending PMs it’s all I’ve been doing. Started an official web using wiki help page was the last creation and hope that will motivate my fighters.
I’m happy to say that after all that work in 2 weeks I booked 3 events that would be sold out, and I’m currently working on event 4 and 5. All with a roster of 80 and going up. From the feedback that I get from the fighters I think that RISE is on the right way, everyone it’s excited and can’t wait to start fighting. Which bring me to the last move that in my mind says SLOW DOWN and be careful. Everyone wants now title fights and everyone wants to do it ASAP. Well it doesn’t matter if I book 3, 4 or 5 events and if I have over a hundred fighters if they don’t take it seriously and they commit. That’s why they need to prove that they deserve to be a champion and to have a chance for the title. I have seen some org that have a champion with an inactivity of more than 15 days. I promised myself that would not happen to me.

That’s why I think that the way you set your foundations will determine how your org will grow. Hopefully with hard work and determination RISE will be successful.
This is RISE first Editorial, more like a presentation letter and a statement. Future editorials will tell the first days of the history of this promising organization. Talk to you soon guys.


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