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Junior To Jedi

Editorial by Coach Lewis

 [Pilot Episode]


Long have been told the stories of out of luck souls rising from the ashes to reign supreme, but today marks the end of the road for down and outs getting their moment of fame, for now at least. 


The newest kid on the block is one Jed Knight, a 16 year old who has been training and competing already for over half a decade. Unlike so many before him Jed has no hard luck story, no need to fight to answer or stay away from demons, in fact its almost quite the opposite.


Jed Knight


Fight Record: 0/0/0 (0NC)

Weight: 252lbs

Height: 193cm (6' 3")



Reporter: Hey Jed, how are you?


Jed: I am good thanks, just finished training and ready to go get some chow, you?


Reporter: Good, so Jed tell us about yourself?


Jed: Not a lot to tell really, I have been training in Martial Arts since I was 5, started with some Kickboxing, won multiple junior titles in that, then moved over to Muay Thai when I was 10, started competing in that not long after. Now I have left the Juniors and am just waiting preparing for when I get that call.


Reporter: And how are you doing that? Preparing?


Jed: Well, I am at Cozad right now, just filling time, I am waiting on a call from a friend, then I'll be moving to Royal Guard. It'll just be plenty of physical training to begin with, coming out of the junior ranks into the pro's means I need to up my game some more, everybodies bigger and more experienced than me here, thats not something I am used to, so they are important to me, then just train my stand up.  My Muay Thai is pretty solid, but now I need to make sure by boxing is good too.


Reporter: And the ground?


Jed: Not for me, I am a stand-up fighter, I have no ground game, ha, I'd lose to my own shadow. Just KT for me.


Reporter: Ok, so who would you say inspi..... [gets interrupted by Jed]


Jed: I am hungry, did you wanna come and get some food with me? We can finish this there.


Reporter: Yeah Ok...


40 minutes later we arrive at a hotel that O know to be the Dorchester, another 5 minutes later and we are inside "Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester", one of the finest eateries in the world.  Jed strides across the luxury carpet flooring like he has been here many-a-time before and quietly sits at a table in the middle of the room, right next to a large marble statue that is reminiscent of one half of aa ying yang.


Jed: My dad, bought that...


Reporter: This, its wonderful.


Jed: It's made with Bianco Sivic marble only available from Macedonia.... It's over 400 years old.


[There is a silence while Jed contemplates the menu]


Jed: My dad and Alain are good friends, they go way back apparently. It's always nice to come here after training and just relax while I eat. The gym I will be training in is 5 minutes from here, that'll be handy.


Reporter: Your dad? How has he supported you through your martial arts career? 


Jed: My dads been very supportive, I come from a privileged background and have had the best training available to date, along with supplements and clothing.  I have not had to worry about any external factors and for that I am very grateful. 


Reporter: So would you say that you have had it easy, or easier than other may have?


Jed: Oh no, if anything it has made it harder for me, I have been placed on a mantle and held in esteem by many. Failure to compete to my best abilities would be a failure to everybody that has helped me through my life, I owe many people more than just money.


Reporter: What is next for you?


Jed: Leaving the juniors and coming to the pro divisions is a big step, I have seen a lot of friends in the past not make it because they have rushed in too quickly. I plan on taking it slowly, getting my body to where it needs to be to be able to compete at the right level, then its about experience, but that is a long way away. I am only 16 and we have to see what happens as I develop over the next couple of years. 


Reporter: That's  a long time away, how do you plan to stay relevant?


Jed: I have this show being done, obviously, you are reporting for it haha, this is designed to show everyone who I am, I have competed at the top of  my game now, albeit at junior level, for 6 years, ever since I started Muay Thai really, ever since I started full contact combat sports. This will give the fans a real slice of how we train in this sport, what goes into it and how much effort, sweat, blood and how much thought is given to what we do.  Hopefully I will grab the attention of some of the bigger players, hopefully I will inspire others to try to achieve. You'll be able to catch me at the gym too, I'll be there a lot.


Reporter: Brilliant, well I hope everything goes well for you and we'll be seeing each other soon I guess?


Jed: Hopefully so.



So there you have it, From "Junior to Jed"I"'s first episode has come to a close. We've seen Jed at Cozad and then the start contrast of his everyday life eating at fancy restaurants. He's hoping that his efforts and that of those around him will pay dividends and see him to the top. 





Want to ask Jed a question yourself? Leave a message in the comments section below and we'll put each and everyone of them to the boy/man himself. 


Stay tuned for more from "Junior to Jed"I""


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