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SPNY 102 Preview by Luke Winner

Event Preview: SPNY 102: Complex - Delaroca
Steel Penn - ICON
2013-08-03, New York, Liberty Dome
Author:The Dictator

SPNY 102! Our undisputed champion will try to defend his belt one more time. I am Luka Winner, your host. Sooner we start with the preview, the sooner we can be ready for the event! Letīs start!

Our main card of the evening!


Napoleon Complex (Rec. 18-0) vs ``El conquistador`` Lolo Delaroca (Rec. 22-6-1NC)

Napoleon is our UNDISPUTED SPNY champion! He has 14(T)KO wins. He has all the tools to be one of the greatest fighters. He faced all kind of challengers in his career and I believe this one will be just another one in the row. He should look for a stand up action and try to finish his opponent!

Lolo know what does it means being a champion! He is an excellent contender with black BJJ belt as one of his main weapons! He really needs this fight on the ground no matter what! He has 12(T)KO victories, I know, but he needs to change the tactic this time!

Winnerīs Prediction: Napoleon was just so dominant through his entire career that is hard for me to believe he will lose. I believe in his victory. Both of guys love the same kind of fighting and Napoleon has better skills. Napoleon Complex wins via (T)KO!


John Kyle Romo (Rec. 23-7) vs ``Tsar Bomba`` Tomi Atomi (Rec. 17-5-1)

Romo is the champion! He has 17(T)KO victories and is just so vicious fighter. He defended his belt 3 times, but this time it will be 3 times harder. He wants to secure his win on the feet, but he will have to give everything he has to keep it on the feet!

Atomi is a BJJ black belt specialist with 7 submissison victories. I think he has big chance for winning the belt. He is better wrestler and BJJ guy in here. Atomi doesnīt have many KOs, but his boxing is great also! He will test the champion, thatīs for sure!!

Winnerīs Prediction: I must go with the challenger this time. He has the right style of fighting to win the belt. This is a VERY close decision, but I made my mind! ``Tsar Bomba`` Tomi Atomi wins via unanimous decision!

3)Shane Doby (Rec. 15-13) vs ``Smoke `N`` Herb Everyday (Rec. 34-17)

Doby is pure MMA fighter with all kind of knoweldge and victories. It is great to see him on the card, or in the cage! He draws attention. Shane is originally a boxer and he wants a standing bout this time. Very difficult match up for him and his manager!

Herb has a very long history in SPNY, he was even a champion back in the day. He has a black belt in BJJ. He is better wrestler and that should give him some advantage in the fight! He, also, has 23 more fights on his record than his opponent! He needs that experience now.

Winnerīs Prediction: I will give the fight to the veteran of the sport. I believe he can take Shaneīs arm with him back home. Herb has 20 subs and it needs to get to the ground to be finished! ``Smoke `N`` Herb Everyday wins via submission!

4)Alysian ``Kerosene`` Karalis (Rec. 16-16) vs ``The American Gangster`` Hugh Matthews (Rec. 21-12)

Karalis is a boxer. He has 9(T)KO victories. I think he is going into this fight as a clear favourite! He just needs to do what he does best and get back on the winning road. This should be a standing fight as his opponent has only blue belt!

Hugh is a strong wrestler, but that wonīt help him to defeat his opponentīs BJJ. He has good boxing also and he must use his power and try to KO his opponent with overhand right! This will be hard fight for him and he doesnīt have much morale niether. Doesnīt sounds great.

Winnerīs Prediction: Karalis is better and I think he will show that in the cage. His entrance song is High Hopes and he will prove the high hopes that I have for him! Alysian ``Kerosene`` Karalis wins via KO!

Preliminary Card! Winnerīs Prediction:

``Not Jimmy`` Tony Hendricks vs Shane ``The Dagger`` Richards

Usually I would say Richards would win, but he is not in the best shape. Tony is better wrestler and he should be able to get the fight on the ground. ``Not Jimmy`` Tony Hendricks wins via submission!

Nick Diaz vs Jamison ``The Light`` Burkina

Jamison loves to KO people, but in this fight he isnīt better boxer.
Letīs be real, he has all around better skills. He has much greater experience than his opponent. I need to mention that Diazīs last 2 fight were 2 (T)KO SPNY losses ... Jamison ``The Light`` Burkina wins via (T)KO!

Kazna ``Lilmad`` Futzchag vs One ``Big Nasty`` Turd

Turd is a interesting fighter with a lot of SPNY experience. He can easily take Kazna down and then try to submit him. Kazna has 3 wins in a row, but that can be changed soon! One ``Big Nasty`` Turd wins via submission!

``Rowdy`` Ronald Rousey vs PitPat ``The Pansexual`` Spokesthing

PitPat has better boxing and the same skills if the fight goes to the ground. It wonīt be easy to take him down. So, logicaly, this will be a stand up fight with a knockout finish! PitPat ``The Pansexual`` Spokesthing wins via KO!

Oliver ``Oli`` Macarenco vs Mikolaj ``Czarny`` Zgola

In this match up prediction I will look at the fighters records. Oli has 1-3 and Zgola 6-4. Zgolaīs all victories comes by the way of the submission, plus his wrestling advantage... This fight shouldnīt be a big problem for him. Mikolaj ``Czarny`` Zgola wins via submission!

Snow ``Freedom Fighter`` Den vs Freddie Sargent

Stand up vs BJJ + wrestling. Every card needs this kind of fight! I will give my prediction to Sargent. Snow has a submission loss.. That, my friends, could be a sign. Freddie Sargent wins via submission!


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