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PREVIEW EFFA 20 - Back for More

Event Preview: EFFA 20 - Back for more!
2013-08-03, Amsterdam, The Underground - Amsterdam

 PREVIEW EFFA 20 - Back for More!



Fitzgerald - Huruiama   155lbs

Two boxers starts off the event. Fitzgerald is making debut here against 1-4 Huruiama. Tough match to call but maybe will Huruiama's experience be the deciding factor.

Bieber - Campbell   155lbs

Two very promising KT fighters takes it out on eachother here. Bieber making his debut is a striking focused fighter while Campbell is a Muay focused.

Rasmussen - Vilhelmsen   170lbs

Two very closely matched debutants here. Totally impossible to separate them on paper, lets them do that in the ring instead.

Profittt - McTaggart   205lbs

Two fighters looking to turn their records around. Profittt is a MT fighter but no KO's so far. McTaggart is a brawler with one single win but that was a KO. Tough call, but I say McTaggart might find his second here.



Jones - Raikonen   205lbs

Second fight between the two fighters here. Last time Jones won on decision. This time it gets more serious cause the winner will be close to get a titlefight for sure.

Keskisarja - Chan   170lbs

Second fight between these fighters too. Keskisarja won first fight by KO and is favourite here too. Can Chan make something unexpected? 

Jones - Julian   265lbs

With identical records and 8 KO's between them this fight will be fireworks. And the winner can walk away with a titleshot in his sight.


Pericic - Larsonn   205lbs TITLEFIGHT

Pericic is the longest reigning Champion in EFFA and is now facing an EFFA debutant. A very skilled boxer and maybe he can rock the Champ. Pericic is the favourite here thou...


Taggart - Murphy   155lbs  TITLEFIGHT

Taggart is a very skilled allround KT fighter and is defending his title for the second time here. Murphy is an undefeated MT fighter with a lot of heart. Sparkling show expected!




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