Profile of by ALEX: Hey Luka, Im glad to meet up with you today and talk about some real known bs issues i MMA and cut to the really issues today with my fighters and the expectations I have for not only my fihters but others in Hmfl.
LUKA: What can you say about your HMFL fighters? Will you introduce them?
ALEX: Currently my managment team has 4 fighters i HMFL, a few who have been with the company for a long time and two others who have just joined up.
Alex Steel - was my first fighter to join HMFL and to be honest he had some major dificulty at the start , Steel dropped his first 3 fights in the company two fihts in the welterweight division and one in the lightweight division. When I started out managing Alex I didnt properly screen my fights and ended up fighting guy way beyond my skill level. After droping to the lightweight division Alex went 2-1 but there where really know good match ups for him. He moved back to welterweight and beat Jay Walker I'd like to note that I am the only person to hold a win over Jay Walker. Since Moving back to Welterweight I've went 5-2 and hold a total record of 8-5 in HMFL with most of my losses coming from former champions of championship contenders.
Jorgip Wallrium - Also started at the same time as Alex Steel but started on extremely hard times.Wallrium started as a Middleweight fighter and went 1-3 in the division I recall talkig to Phnx and him stating if I didnt make some serious changes to my game I'd be let go, at the time Wallrium had an over all record of 2-5. convinced both the Vice President and the President to give me one more fight at welterweight which they agreed to and low and behold Wallrium was a killer. Winning his first 5 fights in a row. Wallium has since gone 7-2 as a Welterweight and has only dropped matches to the VP of the company otherwise Iève walked over the compitions including knocking out two title contendered in under 20 seconds.
Bradley Danielson - Although not as big of a success storey currently Danielson has only taken hard fights in his career. He intially fought for EMMA before coming to HMFL and started by knocking out NO#1 contender Timmy Beautiful after which he went on a 3 fight lossing stint. Danilson was so good at the start of his career and got over pushed and over hyped whiched costed him dearely. Currently we are trying to rebuild him and make him a threat.
Ogustivimus Amavimus- This guy is a real killer, He fought in the NO#4 company in the world before joining HMFL and only joined because HMFL won a bidding war for him. At 9-5 he doesnt seem like much until you look at the people who beat him and who he beat. When Amavimus had a boxing skill of 9-10 he was fighting guy with stats that averaged between 12-15 and was knockong them out. Amavimus is use to fighting compition beyyond anyone who is currently in HMFL in any division and I am certain he is a future champion.
LUKA: What is your best fighter in HMFL?
ALEX: Luka without question Amavimus is my best fighter but all of my guys are killers the win loss record doesnt tell the whole story with my guys Wallrium although having a 9-7 record is 7-2 in HMFL welterweight division and Steel has fought a whos who of fighters in this comapny. Dont just believe stacked padded numbers. Really fighters and real managers take real risks.
LUKA: Is there something you want to say about your HMFL opponents? Do you want to say something to them?
ALEX: Let me give you a breakdown of my fighters, HMFL is very verygood with always giving me the fights I want. Power Ramapage for example no showed our last fight he cost me money he cost HMFL money and he ripped off the fans I want to destroy this guy he screwed over so many people at HMFL 46 by not showing up and trust me Im going to destroy this guy. Nick Diz I personal asked for the fight against him he said myfirst win was a fluke and that I wasent good for MMA, let me tell you this buddy im going to knock you out again and retire your fighter. I know Diaz is a can, Luka you know hes a can but sometimes every once and a while you need to crush a can to make sure they know their place in this sport. As for Kirby Molesworth I have allot of respect for this guy he fights everyone reguardless of the disadvatanges Ceasar Thomson is one of the best managers in the game period and I have nothing but respect for him and his fighters. But Amavimus is going to beat his guys down and win the 265+ tourny and get the title and thats a matter of fact. Lastely GSP is a former title competater and in order for me to prove to HMFL managment that Wallrium is the real deal I need to get this win. I know that GSP thinks hes going to having a boring wrestle and control match but Wallrium is a dimond in the rough and is going to light this guy up and go 8-2 in HMFL welterweiht division with one of the weakest overall records.
LUKA: I really want you to say what fight do you want! There are some guy that are ready to decline a title fight just to fight one of your fighters!! Do you want them to ask for a fight against you in the smack talk tread, or you have some opponents in your mind? (This should be most imprtant question!)
ALEX: Luka baby there are sooo many fights Iwant but when it comes to fights that I just got to have here is what im looking for. I want to have Alex Steel fight Jens Weber Ive been dieing to get this fight, I really do thing Jens has based his career of can crushing and when ever he trys to step up his game he gets crushed. Just look at his fight with Deathclaw if you want an example of this. This guy more then anyone I want to fight. A few other fights id like is Alex Steel vs Kyle Yikes 3 we are one for one and Im sure I could win this matchup. Also the truth is if anyone wants to be number one contender atthis point there are a handful of names that they absolutel need to have beaten first before they fight Shawn Wexler other wise management is just making a joke out of the division. To me the must fight must beat guys in order to the number one contender at 170lbs are Max Ford, Calypso Damione Deathclaw, Donald Hughes, Carlos Medrendes and Kyle Yikes. Ièd be up for fighting any of these guys but If I beat any of them Ièd danm well expect a title match. As for my 265+fighter I want the title I want to beat Cosh Boys ass down, I think this fighters been babied by both the VP and the Presient and I honestlydont think he would hold up under the presure of Ogustivimus Amavimus.
LUKA: Do you have any title contender, maybe?
ALEX: Lets be Honest its a joke that Amavimus needs to win a 4 fight tourny before fighting for the title he is the number one guy in his division and should of debut fihting for the title or after his debut win. Its ridiculase that I need too have a total of 5 wins before fighting the champ if that is an indication of someone who is scared to fight your guy then I dont no what is. Also Ireally think Alex Steel is only 1-2 fihts away for a title fight, Shawn Wexler is running out of guys to beat and I know I could knock him out.
LUKA: Want to say anything else? Say it here:
ALEX: Luka I thank you for your time and all your hard work I think you have really helped take this company to the next level and I really hope other managers get into the mud with me and start getting the fights they want and the fights they need. Trust me people you are a know one until you beat someone from Steel Management.
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