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Solofa Fatu Interview

Fighter profile of Solofa Fatu by Mr Cropper

Reporter:Hello and welcome to trashtalk.com the number one trash talking Vlog avalable

Reporter: Hello Mr Cropper Im sorry to see Fatu couldnt make it in time for this TrashTalking Vlog.
Mr Cropper: Hes on his way but hes in trafic at the moment so we will see if he gets here befor its time to end.

Reporter: the claims that is going around the net is fatu backing down from fights what is your respond to those who think this?
Mr Cropper: Mr Fatu Accepts all fights handed to him and will do so till the end of his career so Shelby Toe watch what you wish for because fatu never backs down from a fight.

Reporter: Do you think Fatu will win to become the new champion?
Mr Cropper: of course hes going to win not only is he going to win but hes going to destroy anyone who stands in his way, AND THATS A FACT!!!!

Reporter: ok you say that but hes been beaten twice befor so what makes you think hes going to destroy opponent?
Mr Cropper: He is improving everyday hes trained extremly hard resently due to those fights hes lost so hes improved all parts of his game and is dedacated to the Fallen Champions.

Reporter: what make you think hes going to do better in the 205lb than he did in 265lb?
Mr Cropper: Im not!!!!!! but fatu sure as hell thinks he is and i wouldnt bet against fatu becoming champion.

Reporter: last question, rumors are rampent in the tycoon community and its said that the fatu brothers have fallen out and want to eventualy fight one another can you please confirm or deny these rumors?
Mr Cropper: I am the manager of both fatu brothers so dont want to respond to that question but one thing i will say is dont rule it out as a rumor and dont rule it out as fact. (Mr Cropper Laughs)

Reporter: sorry about this one final question, if the fatu brothers did fight what weight class do you think it should be held at?
Mr Cropper: To be totaly honest If the rumor is true which i aint saying it is, Id be total up front and say Im against the idea but if they both turn round and say i want to KTFO of my brother now Id be a idiat not to set it up because I know You Know and mr King knows that would be a big payday for me and my good friend King,anser to your question tho is id have to talk it through with the brothers befor say a weightclass.

Fatu turns up late shouting: HELLRAISER 4 LIFE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlie Clock Your nothing but a sub spammer and I'll be back for you in time Little man and ill show you your a F**king fluck who has minimal talent and I will end your career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reporter:well thats all we have time for today tune in next week when we will be talking to the other brother Eddie Fatu and we will hear his reaction on the rumors surrounding him and his brother that should be interesting good bye for now.         


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