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Eddie Fatu Interview

Fighter profile of Solofa Fatu by Mr Cropper

Reporter: Welcome ladies and gents to another TrashTalk Vlog we are here at Hilo Training Center out side looking in to see if we can get a word with Eddie Fatu (5min Later Eddie comes out of the gym)

Reporter: Hello Eddie could I get a moment of your time to talk about whats going in your mma career and home life?

EddieFatu: Yeah sure but could we meet at the Pub in around 20mins its called The Samoa's Head a couple of blocks down the road.

Reporter: Yeah sure I'll meet you there then.

(30mins go by with no sign of Eddie Fatu then a 4by4 turns up with Eddie and Mr Cropper in it)
(Reporter,MrCopper,EddieFatu all go inside and order there drinks)

Reporter: welcome Eddie Fatu to a TrashTalk Vlog Id like to start with thanking you and Mr Cropper for showing to today for this Vlog Interview.

EddieFatu: Your Welcome Its our pleasure to be here to be talking to the TrashTalk Vlog people.

Reporter: My first question is your obviosly training for a fight what do you know about your opponent and how you think the fight will go down?

EddieFatu: First of all thats two question (Mr Cropper&EddieFatu Laughs) Well to anser the first question I actually asked for this fight I looked him up on YouVlog and I thought his fights was great then i looked at Fallen Champions Super Heavyweight divison ranking and he was 3rd so I thought it could be a great number one conteners fight so i phoned King up Ceo of Fallen Champions and I asked him for the fight.As for your second question I see this fight going the distance with me winning by split disition.

Reporter: earlyer on in Your gym Hilo Training Center I saw that you and your brother was working out together is that an indication that you and your brother are back on good turms?

EddieFatu: We work out at the same gym and if my brother can help me improve I'll ask him to help me out, we are blood and we are always argueing and fighting so as for you question we can be civil with each other at the gym but out of the gym we go out separate ways.

Reporter: Ok well seen as your not on good or bad turms with your brother what does that mean about the rumors of you and your brother fighting each other?

EddieFatu: I simply want to fight my brother in


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