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EFFA 22 - Never Retreat - PREVIEW

Event Preview: EFFA 22 - Never Retreat
2013-08-17, Amsterdam, The Underground - Amsterdam


EFFA 22 - Never Retreat



Yeong - Santana   205lbs

MT - Boxer. Two EFFA debutants battling it out. This is totally unpredictable but perhaps Yeongs reach and weight advatange is enough to settle this in his favour.

Morimoto - Rasmussen   170lbs

Again a striker versus a kicker. Both guys has some routine and is both 0-1 in EFFA. Who get their career going in the right direction? Who is still struggling? Well...

Raikonen - Wostalewski   205lbs

Two strikers with some experience battling it out. Both guys is looking to break it through into the top contenders of the division. Is anyone of them ready for it? Well, one of them will be a bit closer soon. I say Raikonen based on KO power. But again, Wostalewski has never been stopped...

Gaara - Mooney   205lbs

EFFA debutant Gaara is an intresting prospect coming into a division screaming for a challenger to the reigning champion Pericic. Mooney is a good test for him, been up there with Pericic once and lost.

Iam - Splahrn   155lbs

Two former challengers looking to find their way back to the top. This is no easy task for any part, and a victory here can be vital for the career. 



Dokken - One   170lbs

Two boxers making their EFFA debut here. Intresting fight between two intresting prospects. Tough one to call but maybe Dokken is a bit more hardened in battle and take this one to the judges.

Le Banner - Hegel   265lbs

Two very skilled KT fighters looking to find the ticket to the top. Hegel is new to EFFA and perhaps Le Banner can use his experience in the ring to his advantage here.

Flapjacks - Asikainen   265lbs

Two fresh names in the heavyweight division. Flapjacks might have the edge here with his experience but Asikainen is not to taken ligthly.



Fry - Tor   155lbs

Titlefight decider here between the top contenders of the division. The winner faces Taggart in EFFA 25. In my mind Tor is the favourite here but  Fry has some impressing KO power too. I don't think we need to see the judges scorecards in the end...



Peterson - Keskisarja  170lbs

Titlefight decider here too. The undefeated Peterson coming in from Dynasty is a top name so he is favourite here but do not underestimate the power of Keskisarja. And he sure wants to have revenge on Grunge, who is waiting in EFFA 25 for the winner.


Thank you all for making EFFA great!!


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