The Stacey Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund , also known as StemsFunf, was set up in 2011 to help the unfortunate, meager and noob community to overcome the disadvantage of being...well unfortunate, meager or a noob. Not long after, the StemsFunf gym ( ) opened in London, partially funded by a StemsFunf grant. Confused yet?
Let's get into the important part. I am offering to pay the weekly gym membership of 20 fighters that join the StemsFunf gym in London for a total of 8 weeks. You get the training of an upper tier gym for FREE. Yes FREE.
To qualify, you must legitimately have a reason that you cannot afford the gym. Either you're a noob, you're poor, you screwed up your finances, you are going through a terrible divorce, etc. Simply contact me, Bo Dayshus (Manager ID 3554) to see if you qualify. And if you're real lucky and/or throw me a flattering comment to boost my ego, I may just add a little bonus onto it.
StemsFunf...socialized banking for the MMA Community.
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