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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper


Editorial by Don Frye


Today news has broken that GAMMA sent in a top secret agent named Gale Howthorne to break the secret Syn codes and report them back to the devious mind of Mentor Guruland.The news comes as Louie Came out in a press conference this afternoon and broke it all out to the press. He was quoted as saying "Gale, you are fired!" trying on his finest Donald Trump moment. Not the only thing he shares in common with Donald Trump as Mentor hit back with the retort "He wants world domination". I don't know why but everytime i hear this it makes me think of pinky and the brain. I wonder which one Mentor and which one Louie is? One of lives little mysteries i guess but back to the point. These two prize fighting org's have went toe to toe about who is number one in Las Vegas. Both forgetting they are fighting for #2 behind UPG in reality because lets face it who gives a flying fuck about event ratings? This is a matter that i think has totally slipped these two guys minds. The shots have been fired and lets be honest it puts a bright spot in tycoon where every org is being all nicey nice to each other. Its about time another pair of rivals put on the gloves and went a few rounds. This reporter tends to think Mr Louie might have started something though that could cost him dearly in the long run. LOD is a huge alliance that reminds me of Steel Penn. A few good guys but the rest cyborgs created to make an evil empire. Gale has came out and gave his two cents worth. That he wasn't in it to spy. Would he admit to such a thing? No. This reporter thinks they could be more than meets the eye here. With the feud likely to come to ahead in the following months as both alliances and org's battle it out. We will keep an eye on developments as things come to a head over the next few months and reach out to the org owners for interviews to see what is really going on. One thing is for certain we haven't heard the last of this. The battle lines have been drawn. Its time to dig out the cash and the bribes to start. 


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