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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Sky is falling

Editorial by Don Frye


This segment has been reserved for fighters who have fell in the recent week. 

Danny Power - Times have been hard for the former #1 p4p fighter who has now slumped to a 3 fight losing streak. Losing two out of three fights to a knockout Power's chin has been caled into question. Fighting against the top fighters constantly will do this to some fighters and it appears the time of Power is now no longer with us. Time will tell on if he can come back from this loss or will he now be banished to the bahamas.

Njord Freyr - The man who knocked out Afro and Paulsen has now slipped into the abyss. After going on quite a win streak and being up with the top heavyweights he has now falling badly in the rankings and looks like a man whos career is now washed up. People will say that it was a fluke he got there in the first place but all we know for certain is the man who knocked out the Afro is now just an after thought.

Barry Scott - Another man who defeated the famous Otso has now falling in 3 out of his 4 previous fights. At one point he was challenging for the #1 p4p spot he is now found himself tumbling down the rankings. With age starting to creep up on Barry does he have it in him for one last serious run to get back to that top spot in the featherweight division? Or is he now finding himself at the gate keeper spot. 


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