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Org News

Editorial by Don Frye

 Org News

We at TWW News are here to give you a break down of the movers and shakers in the org world without looking into event ratings. Evo still retains its #1 spot for another week on top of the power 10. Ascension are still quite further back than they want to be but recent moves and the top fighters p4p seem to be shifting. Between the top 5 P4P fighters all of them belong to either Evo or Ascension.Actually 8 out of the top 10 p4p are in there corner. They continue to dominate the org world and then its those who fall in place behind them. Coming in at #3 this week is Syn. Still going from strength to strength Syn put on a hell of a show last week and looks to continue doing just that. With a heavy reliance on superfights though Syn could find itself slipping down the ranks. At #4 we have UPG Vegas. With 3 players just ouside of the top 10 P4P they boast the third best roster in Tycoon and only find themselves in #4 position due to Syns superfights and big events compared to the more conservative way that UPG holds the events. With Skinny Vince steering the helm no doubt more flashy events are on the way but until then Syn might sneak in as the #3 org in tycoon. Our #5 org is none other than London's own HMMA. This is the point where people will be saying who? What? WHY! Let me tell you why. Wilson has brought HMMA up from the ground upto the top 5 orgs in the game. It has a very solid and under-appreciated rosters in the game. Often overlooked no more. It is starting make make some shouts to be the top org in the game. What it needs is more advertisement instead of throwing cash around for fighters. Hopefully Wilson will read this and get off his ass and hire a PR manager. 


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