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EFFA 30 - Running Wild!

Event Preview: EFFA 30 - Running Wild
2013-10-12, Amsterdam, The Underground - Amsterdam



Hymmf - Mineev 205lbs

Two EFFA debutants clashes in the first fight. Both guys are pretty allround KT fighters and is still to be tested of their skills. Hymmf is a bit older, maybe enough to keep the youngster Minnev in place?

Sparrow - Kornev 205lbs

Debutant Sparrow is facing the more experienced fighter Kornev here. Kornev is on a three fight losing streak and is desperate for a win here. Sparrow is a skilled striker and is no easy target.

Rogers - Nilenders 170lbs

Two brawlers battling it out here.Tough to separate them, Nilenders is a few years older and has more experience. Rogers is a bit taller and yet to know how to lose.

Lincoln - Simon 155lbs

Simon is now 2-0 inside EFFA and is now facing the experienced Lincoln. Lincoln lost his EFFA debut but has 17 fights experience to his credit. Lincoln is a bit more of a boxer while Simon relies mostly on his MT skills.

Alighiero - Bennett Openweight

Two very skilled KT fighters here. Alighiero has a lot of experience while Bennett is making debut here. Is Bennetts long travel from Tokyo gonna cost him?


Glavu - Turkulainen 265lbs

Two strikers, both with as many wins as losses to their records, coming out here. Who will take a large step towards the top end of the division? Tough to call this one...maybe the judges can.

Mooney - Crane 205lbs

Two EFFA journeymans collides here in this light heavyweight fight. Crane is eager to keep his winning streak going to really fight his way into the top contenders.

Dokken - Rasmussen 170lbs

Dokken has taken his EFFA career with storm, two straight wins and is now facing the more experienced Rasmussen, who also has a two fight winning streak going on. Both guys possesses some serious power so I don't think we need the judges on this one.


Jones - Slum 265lbs

Two of the top contenders of the heavyweight division clashes for a chance to reach a titleshot. The winner will face no2 contender Jari Koskela for a direct titleshot decider.


Brock - Tahuna 155lbs

Brock is working hard to get another shot on the title and is now facing Tahuna who is making his EFFA debut here but comes in with a 4-0 record from Dynasty. The winner is line for a titleshot.

Thank you all for making EFFA great!!


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