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Steel Penn Joins GEG

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

It is a proud day for GAMMA and for the general community because as of today, one of the world leaders of the org business, Steel Penn - Hilo, becomes an official member of the Global Elite Group (GEG).

GAMMA has always been famous for being one of the beacons and homes of top level super fights and over our history we have arranged well over 100 of them against other top level competition worldwide and In July 2013, GAMMA became one of the founding members together with Versus in London and TTFC in New York to form the Global Elite Group (GEG). A little later Cage Wars - Hilo and Aggressive Damage of Montreal also became members, expanding the group to 5 members.

The main goal of the group is to give each organization part of the group more options for fighters ranked inside the top 1000 p4p by fighting top competition in the other orgs participating in the group. The orgs participating in the group give top priority to the group's members when planning their super fight schedules.

To become a member of the GEG group, an org needs to have a strong reputation, deep roster and significant history to become a member. Admission is only done with the consent of the other existing members.

Steel Penn has a fantastic record in the Tycoon community with one of the deepest rosters in the game. They are a consistent top 10 organization and are backed by one of the best and most organized alliances, Steel Penn. We as a group have always had good communication with Steel Penn - Hilo, so making this relationship official was a great pleasure and a proud day for GEG.

At the moment around 20% of all the top 1000 p4p fighters are contracted to one of the GEG organizations, which goes to show what type of talent pool this group now has. No single organization in this game has anywhere near that level of talent, so being part of a GEG org, basically means you will always have plenty of options in terms of the best fights.


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