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The Nordic Trenches

Fighter profile of Raimo Tikkari by Lock Down

Perhaps the most compelling and under rated warrior to ever walk the lands of Tycoon, Raimo Tikkari is a lightweight soldier you probably have never heard of before. While sporting an incredibly deceptive 11-12 professional record he continues to humbly fly under the radar of most keen observers. Tikkari has exclusively fought for the Nordic Fighting Championship for his entire career, an elite organization out of Helsinki which is home to some of the best competition in the world. The beginning of his fighting career was truly an uphill battle and a heart wrenching test of will. Struggling to find his place amongst his fellow combatants, he dropped 6 of his first 7 fights albeit to formidable opponents. Incredibly retaining an astounding level of optimism, the losses never deterred him from his passion to train and improve. The next 4 chapters in his career were all heart felt victories, 2 of which came inside the first rounds. He is notoriously difficult to finish and his opponents are usually always in for a long and gritty battle. Raimo Tikkari has been through the thickest of trenches and seen the deepest of waters. His legacy will live on and surely he will have earned a spot in the NFC hall of fame.


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