Ellison - Me 155lbs
Two fighters in dire need of a win. Both guys have had a rough start to their careers and is yet to win inside EFFA. The good news is that one of them will...
Flapjacks - Broily 265lbs
Two big boys with a 2-1 record in EFFA so this fight is a real test towards their respective career is heading. Both guys hit hard and while Broily is a schooled MT fighter is Flapjacks more of a brawler. Flapjacks has some more experience while Broily has size advantage.
Kaczjarg - Vilhelmsen 170lbs
Intresting fight here with Kaczjarg coming in hard with a KO of the night in his EFFA debute. Can he follow up on that performance? Vilhelmsen is a tougher opponent on the paper and also having a KO of the night award to his name. Can we trust we will see a KO tonight?
Silver - Tank 205lbs
Two massive strikers collides in the light heavyweight division. This is two guys just under the absolute top rankings and both guys looking to find a way to a titleshot. Well, someone is gonna get a bit closer after this show. Silver has a slight weight advantage while Tank has experience on his side.
Margallo - Sash Openweight
What an exciting card we have tonight when this fight don't make it to the maincard. This is one thriller of a fight and actually a fight with a story because they have fought eachother once before and Margallo came out in the top that time. Sash is keen on revenge of course and can Margallo once again show that he is on top?
Janssen - Silver 205lbs
Janssen has after his tough start with three losses now lined up four straight win and is looking for more. Silver has had a tough start to his EFFA career with two losses, but both losses are against world class opponents so his skills are still to be tested me thinks.
Murphy - Splahrn 155lbs
Top fight in the lightweight division. Murphy is a MT schooled fighter with a lot of power, Splahrn is a striker with equal amount of KO power, or maybe even more. I can't predict this fight but I'm pretty confident it will end before the judges has to call it.
Le Banner - Julian 265lbs
Two veterans of EFFA finaly fight eachother. This is a top fight in the heavyweights, with the winner in a primespot for a future contender fight.
Jones - Van Hall 205lbs
Two guys with a lot of experience here. Jones still undefeated but have dodged a titlefight long enough now. A win here and surely he will be in line for a titleshot. Van Hall has taken a longer rout to the top, including an earlier loss against Jones. Revenge and the road to fame and glory is wideopen.
McCoy - Pericic Openweight TITLEFIGHT
This is it! This is the momnent we have waitied for so long. The first EFFA superfight! Two reigning Champions fighting for the highest prize, the openweight belt. Pericic has seven straight KO wins in the light heavyweight division. Honestly, he has been in a league of his own there. McCoy has also seven wins and seven stoppages but with four of those coming by cuts he is a scary dude to meet. And being the heavyweight champion he has been the superstar of the organisation for a while now.
Good luck everyone and thank you all for making EFFA great. Can't do it without you!
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