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Fighter profile of Taj al Din by Jolon Williams





MMA Universal managed to catch up with Taj Al Din in between gym sessions, and picked his brain a little regarding his current reign over the light heavyweight division, as well as the upcoming fight with the number 2 ranked light heavyweight, Mr. Smokudju Womba.


Doyle Lassiter : An early happy holidays to all you MMA enthusiasts out there, this is Doyle Lassiter with MMA Universal Magazine, bringing you, our loyal readers, what may very well be the biggest scoop of the season, and an early Christmas present for anyone who has been paying attention to the top of the MMA chain. For today we have with us, the number one ranked light heavyweight in the world, Mr. Taj Al Din. Thank you for taking time out of what is no doubt a busy schedule to be with us here today. 


Taj Al Din : No problem mate, pleasure to be here.  


Doyle Lassiter : I could waste time with pleasantries, but I doubt that's really what anyone here wants. Let's start with the obvious. This is arguably the best you've ever been thus far in your career. Obviously, you've always been considered a top of the line competitor in your division, but how does it feel to be really cementing your dominance, and being 'officially' recognised for your efforts?  


Taj Al Din : I appreciate the recognition and I feel like I have earned it. I've officially been in this sport for 14 years and counting and I have fought and beaten some of the best fighters this division has to offer. It's been a goal of mine since day 1 to establish myself as one of the best fighters on the planet, and I feel like I have done that.  


Doyle Lassiter : I note your use of the phrase 'one of' the best fighters, and that's one thing I want to tickle your brain about. There's many rankings out there, some reliable, others .... not so much, but most seem to have one thing in common, and that is their inability to separate you and heavyweight Carl Creel. Now, you said that you've beaten some of the best fighters in your division. Understanding of course, that you both belong to the same alliance of fighters, and understanding there might be some conflict of interest, is that a fight that you would be interested in taking at all? Is that something you would move up a weight class for?  


Taj Al Din : Right now I am 100% focused on Smokudju Womba and dedicated to getting both physically and mentally prepared to go to war. This is arguably the toughest challenge of my career, and there's a lot of pressure from my camp to win. After the match with Womba, if I receive a fight offer vs Creel, I wouldn't decline it - but it's not something I personally "want".  I have aspirations to be the best in the world and I would fight anybody to prove that, but first I have to get through Womba.  


Doyle Lassiter : Right into the meat of the matter then! It's impossible to ignore, your upcoming fight against Smokudju Womba. Second only to yourself, at least if one goes by the rankings, it's undeniable that both of you have had excellent years. As a matter of fact, Womba is undefeated ever since his loss against Narushima, almost a year ago on the dot, whereas you yourself, are on a winning streak bordering on two years. It's undeniable that there is all but everything on the line in this fight, and both managers have been quite outspoken ... yours in particular. Of course, Mr. Karter is known for his special brand of smacktalk, and even giving leeway due to the fact that you're probably used to it, it still has to be weighing on you just a little bit more in this particular fight. Truthfully speaking ... are we going to see it's effect during the fight? Many of the greats have eventually crumbled to pressure.  


Taj Al Din : Haha well he is an outspoken son of a bitch isn't he? He means bloody well by it.  There's always pressure to win, our camp demands excellence and expects greatness.  I know Womba is a great fighter, he's one of the best, but this will be my 51st professional MMA fight.  This stage of the game isn't new to me and I don't intend on succumbing to any pressure and it shouldn't effect the outcome of the fight.  


Doyle Lassiter : A true veteran of the sport! I suppose it is to be expected, between the two of you lies nearly a hundred historic fights, pressure must be all but a non-sequitur at this stage. Let's focus our attention on recent happenings that might alter the course of the fight instead then. Now, you're a KO master, this is well known, and expected given the camp you belong to. But you've also submitted a few people in your time as well, a testament to your ground game. But it can't be denied, your ground game doesn't measure up to Womba's, a man who makes his bread and butter on the mat. He's even achieved the highest honour a Jiu Jitsu practitioner can in the form of his official red belt. To add insult to prospective injury, Womba has also been quite successful against stable mates of yours, one Moses Diggs in particular, a highly competent KO artist and renowned light heavyweight in his own right. What is it you aim to do in this fight, that Diggs could not?  


Taj Al Din : Moses is an athletic freak of nature but we have two different styles. He is such an incredible wrestler that he's neglected certain aspects of Jiu-Jitsu and Womba took advantage of that.  I believe I pose just as much of a threat to Womba on the ground as he does to me. I train with some of the best Jiu-Jitsu practitioners in the world: Eddie Bravo, Tor Nansen, Jan Paulsen, Pluto Palhares. Come fight time I'll be more than willing to let Womba enter my guard. I aim to finish this fight on the feet or on the ground, something Diggs failed to do on several occassions.  


Doyle Lassiter : The fact that you have never been submitted in your career certainly attests further to your prowess on the mat. But then again, Diggs had also never been submitted until he faced Womba, and there do appear to be some experts who are predicting your first submission defeat come fight night. But there is another angle many do not seem to be considering, that is well worth at least a glimpse into it's possibility, and that is in Womba's striking ability. Do you think he has what it takes to stand and bang with you at all? He's certainly no slouch, with 11 KO victories in his career. His mat game is often so much the focus of his game, that people often forget that he is a more than capable striker. You yourself, have only been knocked out once before, and it goes without saying that a stand up battle would be in your wheelhouse ... but do you think Womba possesses the power to put you out on your feet?  


Taj Al Din : When you're facing a decorated Abu Dhabi champion like Womba, there's always a chance that you can be submitted. But there's absolutely no chance that he puts me out on my feet.


Doyle Lassiter : Your confidence certainly can't be questioned in that one! Considering you've only ever been knocked out once in your career, that being towards the beginning of said career, I suppose it isn't unfounded. In fact, given that you've only been finished once in fifty fights, and also given the fact that this is hardly the first time you've faced a black belt in your career, what is it in your mind that really makes Womba any different than the rest, if at all? Do you think it'll be all Womba can do to scrape a decision out of this for a win? You've made your respect for the man clear enough, but let's face it, given your level of competition, you face top notch competition all the time.


Taj Al Din :  What seperates Womba from the rest is the heart and intelligence he possesses in the cage.  You can't teach that.  Anybody can be caught.  It doesn't matter how good your chin is or what color your belt is, if you have a lapse in concentration one randomly generated roll later you might find yourself tapping out or waking up on your back.


Doyle Lassiter : So taking that into account, what are the odds on this fight in your opinion, unbiasedly?


Taj Al Din :  After compiling random number generators, hidden slider packages, micro percentage deterioration, primary and secondary destribution, height and weight decimals, my calculations estimate the odds are 50/50.. in my favor.


Doyle Lassiter : (chuckling) Well, there you have it folks! Taj Al Din of Chris Karter fame himself is declaring this fight a 50/50 split, so it either has to be that damn good a fight, or it's actually 80/20 in Womba's favour! Myself, I'm leaning towards the former, but whichever way you go, this bout's historic value can simply not be denied. One to go down in the record books, no doubt! This has been Doyle Lassiter, with Taj Al Din. Thanks for joining us, again ... was there anything else you wanted to add before we go off the air?


Taj Al Din :  Legalize it.


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