Q: Dear martial arts fans for the past 2 editions of the Tycoon Times I’ve had interviews with Tom Quin. The 18 year old prospect from Holland talked about competing in a tournament to crown the BEEF’s 145 champion. Last time we talked about the company formerly known as the LFC changing hands and got renamed BEEF – Bodies Engaged in Extreme Fighting. Now last time we didn’t get to talk about your opponent. But I really want to know what your take is on Walter White.
Tom: We’re all prospects trying to make a name for ourselves. You can’t have anything but respect for all those guys.
Q: You say that now but just after our last interview you made a public statement and called out your opponent Walter White.
“@Walter White: it's no secret you're gonna try to take me down but I can assure you it won't work. You wanna know why? Because I am better than you! On our feet, in the clinch or on the ground. I am better than you! I'm stronger and I'm faster. So be ready and beware cause you're the tortoise and I'm the hare. Only this time slow and steady won't win the race you'll just get knocked down on your face. My muscles are ready to punch you so hard your grandchildren will have headaches. You can say whatever you want now but there's one more thing I want to say to you first. I'm gonna beat you! You wanna know why, huh? You wanna know why? "Because I say so," that's why.”
Tom: I can explain all that. The new org owner is smart and as I said before hungry for success. He organized a contest to get some buzz for his org. One of the things you can earn money with is by being the best smack talker. So I went with it, I’m not the best smack talker but I’m going to try to be the best smack talker I can possibly be and we’ll see what happens you know. And there’s absolutely no disrespect towards my opponent. He’s a beast on the ground and if the fight goes there he might win. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
Q: There you have it fans, that’s all for this week. Tom thank you again for your time and again I wish you good luck in the tournament.
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