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Trash talking out of control?

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Is trash talking in MMA disrespectful?

Nowadays it seems like every other fighter feels that the only way they can get noticed is by talking trash to their opponents. While this can sometimes be a good way to build interest in their fights many MMA purist feel that it brings a bad light to the sport.

Trash talking between two fighters who legitimately don't like each other builds intrigue and interest in their fight. You can tell when two fighters dislike each other that their words will light a fire under both guys and the results can be exciting and fantastic.

However, there seems to be a surplus of fighters who talk crap just to stroke their own egos and just for the sake of running their mouths. Are people really supposed to believe that you hate a guy that before you where scheduled to fight you have probably never heard of? Talking crap when you have no legitimate reason to dislike another fighter just makes you look like a disingenuous diva who only talks crap to inflate your own ego and get a little extra camera time.

Trash talking can serve a purpose but only in the right situations. Hopefully the Mixed Martial Artist who use trash talking as a crutch will learn to choose when and where to use their words and instead do their talking inside the cage.


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