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ECT announces partnership with Dominance

Editorial by James Listerman

Elite Canadian Threads in Montreal is proud to announce it's partnership with the fight organization Dominance, based in New York.

  President of ECT, James Listerman, was tweeting about this earlier this week. We sat down with him for a quick interview, and he pointed out, "It's been really great here at ECT in the past months, so we decided to partner up with Dominance, to help us grow even more". He also added, "I've been following the organization for quite a while, and I thought we could be a good addition to them."   The Montreal clothing store will be offering all kind of prizes to fighters contracted to Dominance, but nothing concrete has been unveiled just yet. All we know is that all fighters receiving "of the night" awards, will be rewarded with cash prizes and/or clothing from the store.    As Elite Canadian Threads continues to grow, new types of clothing will be made available inside the store. They also accept clothing suggestions and requests, but will not do any customs designs for specific fighters. Everything in the store is made out of the best threads available, and they always have an incredible fresh smell!


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