Just a couple of days ago, manager Floris Maljers decided to start a mixed martial arts team. Though this is a new type of sports for Maljers he has earned his marks as a sportsmanager. After setting up a successful Football (soccer) team, an NBA Basketball team, a track and field team and a formula 1 team he does know how to make a sportsteam succesfull.
Whe asked for his plans, Maljers stated he wanted a huge fighter stall of at least 17 fighters, open a gym and possibly a fighter organisation later on. Considering first things will have to come first he is now learning about fighting strategies, how to train his fighters and what else is needed to become successful.
When we look at Maljers team so far he was able to secure his first 2 wins after three losses starting out. He ditched the talentless fighters who now work as helpers in his gym. He also attracted his first senior fighter helping the rookies with their techniques.
His financial grasp of the situation seems okay thanks to the help of several more seasoned managers, Maljers is now lucky to call his friends. According to Maljers he has one true mentor, Dark Soul, helping him with every gap in his knowledge. Maljers and Dark Soul are often seen together in one of Londons illustrious pubs discussing strategy during a heavy drinking session.
After walking along with Maljers for a full day, this reporter is sure he will be "one to watch" in the seasons to come.
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