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Hells Bells Grapplers Gauntlet

Hells Balls Grapplers Gauntlet, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Dirk Copeland

 Do you have one of the most feared grapplers in MMATycoon?
Well it's time to man up and join the Hells Bells Grapplers Gauntlet
Based in London, England is a grappling rules organisation that is home to some of the most feared grapplers in the game, ran by a man who needs no introduction, ChuckW94
Famous for his previous work with some of the biggest org's in the game, including the mastermind behind former #1 org EMPIRE, Chuck and his team of associates, Manny Gambroni and Big Boss, are now focusing their energy on building a home for the elite of the grappling world, with the assistance of the world renowned Hells Bells Recoverynutrition store, chief sponsors of Hells Bells Grapplers Gauntlet.

While the org may be relatively new, with their tenth event set for next weekend, they already have a roster which spreads over 3 divisions, with opportunities at 155, 205 and 265 for all of you budding ground experts out there.
The rules of the promotion follow the official TWGC guidelines and are outlined for you below.
1. 100% Follow my orders
2. 100% Stick to gameplan (both in General)
3. 100% Try takedowns
4. 100% Go to ground (from clinch)
5. 100% Stay on ground
6. 100% SUBS, NO GNP allowed.
Speaking of TWGC, with the second season coming up, we'd like to make it clear that we certainly won't hold you back when it comes to competing in the biggest tournament in the grappling world and any contracted fighters that should wish to partake will be free to do so. You'll then be welcomed back to Hells Bells Grappling Gauntlet with open arms following the end of the tournament and can get back to grappling on the mat without having to wait for the next TWGC tournament.
Whether you're a budding grappler who wants to get some practice in for the TWGC, a spar bot who's looking for a break from coaching, or a veteran who just can't cut it in the brutal world of MMA anymore, Hells Bells Grappling Gauntlet is the place for you.
So should you wish to prove your skills on the ground amongst some of MMATycoon's elite then this is the place for you. All contracts are negotiated on a case by case basis and sponsorships deals with Hells Bells Recovery are also available for those interested.
For more details and to request a contract you can either PM ChuckW94 in game or leave your details below.


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