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GAMMA HOF Inductions

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

GAMMA is proud to announce 2 new Hall of Fame inductions.

With the 3rd most events held in history, with over 4 years consistently in the top 20 among organizations, it is no surprise that GAMMA has had some of the top fighters in the game. Today we honor 2 of those which have retired probably at their prime.

Keith Green (129720) 17 total GAMMA fights. Myltiple defending champion at 185lbs, prevailing at a time when the 185lbs division was probably at its deepest including fighters such as Raz Matazz, Tank The Razors Edge, Doc Thomas, Fred Ettish, Usain Watts among others. Briefly lost his title to Frank Sinatra to regain it in the next fight. His last fight was a super fight win over Nero Aurelius. He never got his dream of fighting Igor Glozman, a fighter which gave him an early loss due to Igor retiring due to failed chin late in his career. Retired while ranking inside the top 100 p4p due to manager issues at just 29y of age.

Fidel Duberry (125586) 22 total fights for GAMMA including super fights and our contenders org. Was with us since 2012-02-11 till 2013-11-23 faced some of the biggest names in the sport, here are just some of his to 100 p4p opponents: Kyle Carlton, Anton Chigurh, Simon Williams, Maksimilian Tchepikov, Buster Grimes, Donzel Fortunado, Kenichi Shirahama, Ben Grimm and the list goes on. He is a 3 time defending GAMMA 265lbs champion, ranked inside the top 100 p4p. Retired very early (30y) mainly due to his manager taking a hiatus from the game. An all time GAMMA legend.

Note: Although we have had 2 pre-retirement inductions to our HOF (Raz Matazz and Jack Burton), all previous inductions have happened only after the fighter was officially retired from the game.


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